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The IPPC Delegate Meeting with the Senior Officials of the Chinese General Administration for Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine AQSIQ)

Posted on ven, 22 Jul 2016, 07:42

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The IPPC delegate had a meeting with the delegate of the Chinese General Administration for Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) on 22 June 2016, in Beijing, China. The IPPC delegate, led by Dr. Jingyuan Xia (the IPPC Secretary), was composed of the core team members of the IPPC Secretariat and all the CPM Bureau members. The AQSIQ delegate, headed by Mr. Wei WANG (the Vice Minister of AQSIQ), was consisted of over 20 senior officials in the area of plant health regulation.

The Vice Minister WANG delivered a welcome address; and the Secretary XIA made a brief introduction about the IPPC, the IPPC governing bodies, the IPPC Secretariat, the IPPC core activities, and the IPPC cooperation with China. AQSIQ officials made presentations on the development and perspective of the Plant Quarantine as well as the eCertification in China. AQSIQ indicated that they are already in the process of exchanging some certificates electronically and they are very interested in playing a key role in the IPPC ePhyto project. The Secretary XIA assured the AQSIQ officials of the need for the AQSIQ-China to play a key role in ePhyto as well as a key role in IPPC activities overall.

The IPPC delegate was treated to a real time virtual inspection by Chinese AQSIQ inspectors from the port of Shenzhen (the South China). The virtual inspection was presented from the AQSIQ communications center from which any of the key ports are able to be accessed visually.

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