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Template for proposals going to CPM that have resource implications to the budget of the IPPC Secretariat

Posted on jeu, 31 Jan 2019, 15:16

Purpose of this Announcement is to inform IPPC Contracting parties about a decision that CPM Bureau made during its December 2018 virtual meeting.

IPPC Contracting parties are encouraged to use the Template for proposals going to CPM that have resource implications to the budget of the IPPC Secretariat for documents and proposals that they submit to CPM-14 that have resource implications (e.g. additional staff, new financial obligations, other) to the budget of the IPPC Secretariat. Template should be filled in and attached to the main document. Template should be used only if the proposal going to CPM have resource implications.

Template is aimed to enable informed discussion at CPM about potential resource implications following the adoption of the proposed draft decision.

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