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Call for experts: Workshop for drafting a CPM Recommendation on -contaminating pests-

Posted on lun, 29 Jul 2019, 10:03

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@ FAO/ Giuseppe Bizzarri

The Australian Department of Agriculture is calling for NPPOs to nominate representatives to attend an IPPC International Workshop on the Spread of Contaminant Pests. This workshop will bring together representatives from IPPC and relevant industry organisations involved in international trade and shipping.

The workshop was postponed to February or March 2020. Updated information will be made available in due course.

The workshop aims to discuss and highlight the increased spread of contaminant pests, and foster collaboration between industry and government stakeholders on cost effective commercial solutions.

The Main Objectives of this workshop are to:

  • Provide international context and share information on the spread of contaminant pests on unregulated goods and conveyances.
  • Highlight strategies currently employed by industry and international governments to reduce the spread of contaminant pests through improved container hygiene and pathway management.
  • Provide a platform to facilitate discussion between industry and government representatives to develop strategies which will restrict the spread and movement of contaminant pests.
  • Develop and reinforce partnerships and collaboration between all stakeholders involved at national, regional and global levels.
  • Contribute to finalising a recommendation from this working group to be submitted to the IPPC Strategic Planning Group (SPG).
  • This workshop will enable participants to explore each of these actions through a range of presentations, plenary and small working group discussions.

Workshop outcomes will inform further development of the IPPC Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) recommendation on Facilitating safe trade by reducing the incidence of contaminating pests associated with traded goods that was agreed by CPM-14 to progress to CPM-15 (2020) as a draft for country consultation.

Please submit nominations to [email protected] by 19 August 2019.

If formal documentation is required for Visa or other requirements, please contact [email protected].

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