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Little Fire Ant (Wasmannia auropunctata) incursion

Date de publication
mer, 01 Jui 2005, 00:00
Dernière mise à jour effectuée le
mai 31, 2005, 9:01 matin
Report Number
Identité de l'organisme nuisible
Wasmannia auropunctata - (WASMAU)
Situation du signalement
The wasmannia auropunctata is an agricultural and environmental pest. It also disturbs tourism industry in the affected areas. It has no specific host but it is a diseases vector to agricultural crops. It is also a threat to native ants species.
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Distribution géographique
The little fire ant infestation is, so far, in the islands of the Banks group in the northern part of Vanuatu. It is confirmed through the national quarantine surveillance that the ant is present in the islands of Vanua-Lava, Mota, Mota Lava,Gaua and Urep

Wasmannia auropunctata"s incursion dated back in 1994. It was later reported to the national quarantine authority in 1998. A survey was carried out to find out the ants infestation areas and also figure out to wheter an eradication program would be possible. It was concluded that the eradication cost would be very expensive. Therefore, the quarantine department is carrying out internal quarantine duties from the flights and ships which come from infested islands in order to stop the spreading to other islands.

Wasmannia auropunctata is a regarded as a real nuisance for farming to local population. When they clear a bush land, the ants fall off and bites them. Tourism industry is also affected as their painfull stink discourage tourist from going to those islands. The ants has no specific host but it contributes to the spreading of plant diseases. It is also a threat to local native ants species as it competes with them.
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