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First Report of the presence of Red Palm Mite

Date de publication
lun, 18 Oct 2010, 00:00
Dernière mise à jour effectuée le
oct. 20, 2010, 9:01 matin
Report Number
Identité de l'organisme nuisible
Raoiella indica - (RAOIIN)
Situation du signalement
Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) and ornamental palms.
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Distribution géographique
The pest has been found in the South-East and South-West of the island and a survey is currently being undertaken to ascertain how far the pest has spread.

This is the first reported presence of this pest in Barbados and identification was confirmed by Dr. Ron Ochoa of USDA/ARS.

The Red Palm mite is considered a pest of major quarantine importance not only for Barbados but the Caribbean region.
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