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Detection of Entyloma ageratinae on mistflower in Queensland

Date de publication
ven, 23 Jui 2023, 06:13
Dernière mise à jour effectuée le
juin 23, 2023, 6:13 matin
Report Number
Identité de l'organisme nuisible
Entyloma ageratinae - (ENTYAG)
Situation du signalement
Ageratina riparia, synonym Eupatorium riparia
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Distribution géographique
Lamington National Park, Queensland

Mistflower is an introduced weed in south east Queensland, but is not under official control. It is a locally controlled weed in New South Wales. It was originally introduced as an ornamental, but quickly invades disturbed areas and reduces pasture production. Entyloma ageratinae is used in other countries as a biocontrol agent for mistflower.

Accidental introduction of a potential biocontrol agent. The fungus is host specific therefore unlikely to impact on native or other plant species.
Contact pour demandes d'information
Australian Chief Plant Protection Officer Australian Government Department of Agriculture, GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia [email protected]
Fichiers de rapports
Site web
Mots-clés associés au thème
Pest status:Present/Presence
Mots-clés associés à la marchandise
