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Absence of Cherry rasp leaf virus from Australia

Date de publication
jeu, 05 Mai 2016, 01:49
Dernière mise à jour effectuée le
mai 5, 2016, 1:49 matin
Report Number
Identité de l'organisme nuisible
Cherry rasp leaf virus - (CRLV00)
Situation du signalement
Cherries; Peaches, Apples, and Raspberries. Prunus mahaleb is also susceptible. Weeds have been found naturally infected, but are symptomless (such as species of Taraxacum, Plantago and Balsamorhiza)
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Absent: pest no longer present
  • Absent: pest records unreliable
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Absent: pest no longer present
  • Absent: pest records invalid

Cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV) is recorded in Australia from Orange, New South Wales, 1960 (APPD, Buchen-Osmond et al., 1988); Rosevers, Tasmania, 1984 (APPD); Victoria (Buchen-Osmond et al., 1988; Washington & Nancarrow, 1983); Western Australia (Buchen-Osmond et al., 1988); and South Australia (Crowley et al., 1962). The record from Orange, NSW, was from an old orchard that became a housing estate some time ago. The sample collected was from the cherry cultivar ‘St Margaret’ that is no longer grown commercially in the Orange area. Department of Primary Industries NSW diagnostic services have confirmed there have been no detections of the CRLV in recent times. Tasmania has no records for CRLV in their collections. The CRLV record in APPD was never verified by ELISA test, and relied on identification of symptoms, which is unreliable as symptoms can be caused by other viruses (Martin et al., 2013; Hansen et al., 1974). Washington & Nancarrow (1983) record the presence of the virus in Victoria in 1970 with no further details, and Crowley et al. (1962) records CRLV occurring in South Australia based on symptoms only. For this reason the records are considered unreliable and there have been no confirmed detections since. Buchen-Osmond et al., (1988) states the viruses presence on cherry budwood in WA with no further details. Surveillance was undertaken across all pome fruits growing regions for CRLV in 2004 (Constable et al., 2007) and again in 2015 in stone fruit growing regions (Constable, 2016, pers. comm.). The 2015 survey examined the following samples: almond, apricot, cherry, cherry plum, nectarine, peach, peach-almond hybrid, plum and rose. Samples were collected from major summer-fruit and almond growing regions and home gardens in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and Victoria (Constable, 2016, pers. comm.). Neither of these surveys detected CRLV. The records for CRLV are more than 30 years old, are based on observations of symptoms only, and are therefore considered unreliable. This is further supported by the fact that CRLV has not been detected since the removal of the orchard in New South Wales where a record had been found and despite specific surveillance no pest records have been found for more than 30 years, this pest is therefore considered absent from Australia.

References Buchen-Osmond, C.; Crabtree, K.; Gibbs, A.; and McLean, G. (1988) Viruses of Plants in Australia. Australian National University Printing, Canberra, Australia. Website: http://ictvdb.bio-mirror.cn/Aussi/ausidesc.htm. Viewed “Cherry rasp leaf nepovirus” 18 December 2015.

Constable, F E., Joyce, P A and Rodoni, B C. (2007) A survey of key Australian pome fruit growing districts for exotic and endemic pathogens. Australasian Plant Pathology 36: 165-172.

Constable, F.E. (2016) Personal communication about Cherry rasp leaf virus. Department of Environment and Primary Economic Development, Jobs, Tansport and Resources. Bundoora, Victoria.

Crowley, N. C.; Moller, W. J.; and Steed, J. N. (1962) "Virus diseases of cherries in South Australia." Journal of Agriculture, South Australia 65(12): 532-7.

Hansen, A.J.; Nyland, G.; McElroy; and Stace-Smith, R. (1974) Origin, Cause, Host Range and Spread of Cherry Rasp Leaf Disease in North America. Phytopathology. May 1974. 64: 721-727.

Martin, R.R.; MacFarlan, S.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Quito, D.; Podel, B.; and Tzanetakis, E. (2013) Viruses and Virus Diseases of Rubus. Plant Disease. 97 (2): 168-182.

Washington, W.S. and Nancarrow, R.J. (1983) List of Diseases Recorded on fruit and vegetable crops in Victoria before June 30, 1980. Department of Agriculture, Victoria. Technical Report no. 66.

Determination that the pest is absent.
Contact pour demandes d'information
Australian Chief Plant Protection Officer Australian Government Department of Agriculture GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 [email protected]
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