PSTVd has been identified in a range of hosts in Australia and its distribution has been verified through a national survey. In pest free areas, when found in commercial production systems, PSTVd is eradicated through crop destruction. PSTVd was detected in ornamental potato vine and non-commercial tomatoes in Queensland and in wild plants in Western Australia, indicating that it is potentially established in these regions. The symptoms of PSTVd vary and are dependent on the strain of the viroid in conjunction with the host species and stage of development. Some hosts detected with PSTVd have been reported to be asymptomatic. PSTVd can cause economic losses in a range of Solanaceae crops. Most areas of Australia are free from PSTVd. PSTVd remains a regulated pest and phytosanitary measures will be maintained. The pest status in Australian States and Territories is as follows: Present: in some areas of Australia (Western Australia at Carnarvon; Queensland) Transient: actionable, under eradication (South Australia) Absent: no pest records (Tasmania, Northern Territory) Absent: pest eradicated (New South Wales, Victoria)