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Orientation to CPM

This package of seeds, sent to a U.S. resident, was tested by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to determine if they carry any pests or diseases of concern to U.S. agriculture. Unsolicited seeds, labeled as a variety of things such as beads and jewelry, have been arriving in mailboxes around the nation, prompting investigation by USDA.

The IPPC is governed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), which was established under Article XII of the New Revised Text of the IPPC, approved in 1997, and serves as the Convention's governing body, while also being a FAO Statutory Body.

CPM was established in 2005 building on the Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures (CEPM), whose first session was held in 1993.


Know more about IPPC, the Convention and CPM

Guide to participating in CPM

This guide is intended to provide easy-to-understand information for participants in meetings of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM).

The Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish translations provided on this webpage are provisional and for reference purposes only.

En  Es  Fr  Ru  Ar  Zh

Convention text


CPM useful links

CPM Recommendations

CPM Rules of Procedure
New IPPC Governance Procedure Manual


CPM papers explained

There are three types of CPM papers:

  • DOC (e.g. CPM 2025/03): A DOC paper contains one or several decisions. This is the most frequent type of paper prepared for CPM meetings.
  • INF (e.g. CPM 2025/INF/03) An INF (informational) paper never contains decisions. These papers usually provide background information on an activity, a partner organization or on a programme etc.
  • CRP (e.g. CPM 2025/CRP/03): A conference room paper is a paper made available after the CPM meeting begins, and which might be for information or for CPM decision.
  • REV (e.g. CPM 2025/03_REV1): A REV is a revision of a DOC, an INF or a CRP. These are produced after the first version was made available to CPM members (e.g. to correct errors or to add information).