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Calls for nominations for CPM Focus Groups

Once the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) approves the terms of reference for its Focus Groups, the call for nominations is published on the IPPC website to allow contracting parties and regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) to nominate their representatives to be part of the Focus Groups.

The IPPC Secretariat reviews the nominations and submits them to the CPM Bureau for selection assuring gender and geographical balance. The Bureau should endeavor to select one nominee from each FAO region as the regional representative in the Focus Group, aiming to cover as many areas as possible.

Qualified female applicants, qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member nations, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Scroll down to see the current calls.

2024-06 - Call for experts for the CPM FOCUS GROUP ON SEA CONTAINERS - Deadline Wednesday, 31 July 2024

The IPPC Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to participate in the CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers (FGSC), with the deadline of 31 July 2024.


The purpose of this Focus Group is to continue the work carried out by the 2022-2023 Focus Group on Sea Containers and review all new, emerging and evolving technologies and opportunities. In considering these factors, the FGSC will provide final recommendations to the CPM on long term IPPC guidance. Established in April 2022 (CPM-16), the FGSC was further extended by the Eighteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-18, 2024) until CPM-21 (2027) with a new Terms of Reference (ToR). The new ToR as adopted by CPM-18 can be found on the IPPC website Terms of Reference for the CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers.

Current membership of the FGSC consists of as follows:

  • Seven members from contracting parties;
  • Two representatives from regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs);
  • One representative of the CPM Bureau;
  • One representative of the Standards Committee (SC);
  • One representative of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC);
  • Three representatives (chairperson and two representatives) of the Industry Advisory Group on sea containers.
  • One representative of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
  • One representative of World Customs Organization (WCO)
  • One representative of the World Bank Group (WBG)

Two experts (one NPPO and one RPPO) are now being called to join the FGSC to complete the membership as per the ToR and succeed members who were not able to continue in extended the Focus Group. It is important to note that a face-to-face meeting is tentatively planned for early December 2024 (venue TBC). Candidates are kindly requested to ensure availability to attend this meeting. Moreover, appropriate time allocation to participate throughout the mandate of the FGSC via virtual mode is also required.


Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs). A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to his/her nomination and can allocate appropriate time to the task as outlined in the Statement of Commitment.

Each nomination must be accompanied by the following documentation, available on this webpage (please also check hyperlinks):

  1. Completed Nominee details and summary of expertise form - All sections should be completed, including contact details, education, and professional training. A clear description of the nominee’s expertise is required. MS Word version of the document is preferred. The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_Summary
  2. Completed and signed Statement of Commitment - this should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee and submitted with the nomination (as a file such as PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_Commitment
  3. The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) – electronic copy of the nominee’s CV with the file named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_CV. MS Word version of the document is preferred.


Nominations can be submitted both online and via e-mail.

IMPORTANT: Please make your submissions by using the email address of IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO and NOT the alternative email address.

Online Submissions

Link to Online Submissions

These online submission forms have been created to facilitate the submission process. They also allow you to work with them offline. After completing the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address with the completed form attached.

Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs) through their respective NPPO or RPPO IPPC Official Contact Point. Self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from the respective IPPC Official Contact Point. A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to their nomination, is available for the meeting dates as posted on the IPPC Calendar and can allocate appropriate time to the tasks outlined in the Statement of Commitment.

Please also note that some of the fields on the form have data verification (please avoid using spaces in front or at the end in the following fields):

Email address of the IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO - please provide the email address. Make sure that your email address is correct, as you will receive an automated email receipt confirmation from the IPPC Secretariat once you have submitted your nomination.

  • Nominee's first name - please capitalize your first name. Examples: Anna, Muhammad
  • Nominee's last name - please capitalize your last name. Examples: Laurie, Kimura
  • Nominee's email address - please provide the correct email address of the nominee. They will also receive a confirmation to that email address. Example: [email protected]
  • Nominee's mobile number - please provide a telephone number where the Secretariat can reach the nominee as needed. Please use a "+" in front of the number and not use parentheses. Example: +391234567890. The calling code of your county can be found here: https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/international-calling-codes.htm

In total, the online submission form will be composed of the following documents:

  1. Completed nominee details and summary of expertise online form (the forms are enclosed for ease of reference);
  2. Completed and signed Statement of Commitment form – should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should then be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee. The form should be submitted with the nomination (as a scanned image file such as a PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_commitment;
  3. The nominee's Curriculum Vitae (CV) – electronic copy of the nominee's CV with the file named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_CV.

Nominations by e-mail

Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs) through their respective NPPO or RPPO official IPPC Contact Point and self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from the respective IPPC contact point.

Submissions should be sent to the IPPC Secretariat by e-mail [email protected] with copy to [email protected] and [email protected] no later than 31 July 2024. The name of the nominating country or RPPO and the words “Call for Experts for CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers” should be placed in the subject line of the email message.


The FGSC members should have combined expertise and knowledge in the following areas:

  • working with phytosanitary issues related to sea container movement;
  • logistics of sea container movement;
  • phytosanitary import or export systems related to the pest risk assessment and management of regulated articles;
  • existing global and/or regional frameworks for the management of phytosanitary risks; and
  • addressing issues related to reducing the movement of contaminating pests.

All members should have knowledge of the IPPC’s mandate, strategic framework, and activities.


The IPPC Secretariat will review the nominations and completed nominations will be presented to the CPM Bureau for their selection and endorsement. The selected experts will be contacted by the IPPC Secretariat.


The CPM-18 (2024) agreed that the key tasks for the FGSC will be:

  1. Subject to the availability of suitable data assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the CPM Recommendation on Sea containers (R-06) in reducing pest risks associated with the sea container pathway (e.g., raising awareness, visual examination, methods to remove contamination, design aspects).
  2. Invite NPPOs and other stakeholders to advise the Focus Group of outcomes related to ongoing trials, technology developments related to the sea container pathway, and the results of quantitative studies to quantify pest risk and the impact of the CPM recommendation on sea containers.
  3. Continue to analyze potential regulatory and non-regulatory options in order to identify and describe a recommended option or options to minimize pest risks in the sea container pathway.
  4. Consider the costs and benefits for pest risk management and the practicalities and possible impacts of the identified options on container logistics, supply chains and NPPOs as well as the required systems and tools.
  5. Analyze the information gathered in points 1-4 (above). Provide recommendations to CPM that are consistent with the pest risk on preferred options for regulatory and/or non-regulatory actions including additional guidance and whether development of an ISPM is feasible and desirable, and draft specifications for such actions as necessary.
  6. Continue to communicate via the IPPC Secretariat with the WCO, IMO, CBD, WBG and WOAH on areas for collaboration and further consider, in cooperation with the three sponsoring UN organizations, amendments to the CTU Code, which is undergoing revision, regarding sea container pathway cleanliness.
  7. Support the IPPC Secretariat in organizing a workshop no later than 2026 (subject to availability of funds) that brings together industry, stakeholders and NPPOs to review the uptake and effectiveness of CPM recommendation on Sea containers (R-06) and inform future considerations.
  8. Develop an action plan detailing the steps for completing the tasks identified in this ToR and present to CPM Bureau for approval in October 2024.

For further information: Please contact by email [email protected] or [email protected].

Nominations are due 31 JULY 2024.

2024-05 - Call for experts for the CPM FOCUS GROUP ON SAFE PROVISION OF FOOD AND OTHER HUMANITARIAN AID - Deadline Monday, 24 June 2024

The IPPC Secretariat is soliciting nominations for appropriately qualified experts to participate in the CPM Focus Group on Safe Provision of Food and Other Humanitarian Aid, with deadline on 24 June 2024.


The purpose of the Focus Group is to support the objectives of the IPPC strategic framework 2030 to enhance global food security and protect the environment from the impacts of plant pests. Established in established in April 2022 (CPM-16) the Focus Group was further extended by the Eighteenth Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-18, 2024) until CPM-20 (2026) with additional tasks. More information about the additional tasks can be found in the CPM-18 document CPM 2024/24, including the review of consultation comments and revision of the draft Specification for an ISPM to be presented to the IPPC Standards Committee (SC), prior to presentation to CPM-19 (2025).

Additional experts are now being called to join the Focus Group on Safe Provision of Food and Other Humanitarian Aid (FGSA). It is important to note that a one-week face to face meeting is tentatively planned for 07 – 11 October 2024 (venue TBC). Candidates are kindly requested to ensure availability to attend this meeting. Moreover, appropriate time allocation to participate throughout the mandate of the focus group via virtual mode is also required.

Participants should have a good internet connection and access to virtual meetings devices. The meetings are held in English only.


Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs). A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to his/her nomination and can allocate appropriate time to the task as outlined in the Statement of Commitment. Each nomination must be accompanied by the following documentation, available on this webpage (please also check hyperlinks):

  1. Completed Nominee details and summary of expertise form** - All sections should be completed, including contact details, education, and professional training. A clear description of the nominee’s expertise is required. MS Word version of the document is preferred. The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_Summary

  2. Completed and signed Statement of Commitment** - this should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee and submitted with the nomination (as a file such as PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_Commitment

  3. The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)** – electronic copy of the nominee’s CV with the file named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_CV. MS Word version of the document is preferred.


Nominations can be submitted both online and via e-mail.

IMPORTANT: Please make your submissions by using the email address of IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO and NOT the alternative email address.

For Online Submissions

Link to Online Submissions

These online submission forms have been created to facilitate the submission process. They also allow you to work with them offline. After completing the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address with the completed form attached.

Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs) through their respective NPPO or RPPO IPPC Official Contact Point. Self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from the respective IPPC Official Contact Point. A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to their nomination, is available for the meeting dates as posted on the IPPC Calendar and can allocate appropriate time to the tasks outlined in the Statement of Commitment.

Please also note that some of the fields on the form have data verification (please avoid using spaces in front or at the end in the following fields):

Email address of the IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO - please provide the email address. Make sure that your email address is correct, as you will receive an automated email receipt confirmation from the IPPC Secretariat once you have submitted your nomination.

  • Nominee's first name - please capitalize your first name. Examples: Anna, Muhammad

  • Nominee's last name - please capitalize your last name. Examples: Laurie, Kimura

  • Nominee's email address - please provide the correct email address of the nominee. They will also receive a confirmation to that email address. Example: [email protected]

  • Nominee's mobile number - please provide a telephone number where the Secretariat can reach the nominee as needed. Please use a "+" in front of the number and not use parentheses. Example: +391234567890. The calling code of your county can be found here: https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/international-calling-codes.htm

In total, the online submission form will be composed of the following documents:

  1. Completed nominee details and summary of expertise online form (the forms are enclosed for ease of reference);

  2. Completed and signed Statement of Commitment form – should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should then be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee. The form should be submitted with the nomination (as a scanned image file such as a PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_commitment;

  3. The nominee's Curriculum Vitae (CV) – electronic copy of the nominee's CV with the file named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_Firstname_CV.

For Nominations by e-mail

Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs) through their respective NPPO or RPPO official IPPC Contact Point and self-nominations should be supported by an accompanying letter from the respective IPPC contact point.

Submissions should be sent to the IPPC Secretariat by e-mail [email protected] with copy to [email protected]g and [email protected] no later than 24 June 2024.

The name of the nominating country or RPPO and the words “Call for Experts for CPM Focus Group on Safe Provision of Food and Other Humanitarian Aid” should be placed in the subject line of the email message.


The Focus Group on Safe Provision of Food and Other Humanitarian Aid members should have experience and expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • procurement and the supply of humanitarian aid (aid agency and government)

  • plant health policy and risk management regulation

  • plant health emergency response/management

  • clearance of imported goods under emergency or disaster constraints


The IPPC Secretariat will review the nominations all completed nominations will be presented to the CPM Bureau for their selection and endorsement. The selected experts will be contacted by the IPPC Secretariat.


The CPM-18 (2024) agreed that the additional tasks for the on Safe Provision of Food and Other Humanitarian Aid for the additional two years would be:

(a) Continue the engagement and seek collaboration of the WFP, FAO emergency responses and other donor agencies.

(b) With WFP now engaged, further collaboration with them on this topic would be highly beneficial and in collaboration with their wider network, strengthen the applicability of all the materials developed.

(c) Development of an Action Plan in collaboration with WOAH, CODEX, WFP and FAO (in the first instance), to facilitate work as the three sisters and more holistically address the issues raised by IPPC community members.

(d) Further exploration of the various pathways that exists for aid provision and identification of specific actors and materials that may support the objective of reduced pest spread.

(e) Consider the description of the definition of “emergency pathway”.

(f) Collaboratively with the IPPC Secretariat, deliver a webinar using the already adopted CPM Recommendation R-09 as a basis to raise awareness of the topic and the CPM Recommendation as a resource to contracting parties and donor coordination agencies. A concept note for the webinar will be presented to the CPM Bureau for feedback.

(g) Collaboratively with the IPPC Secretariat, develop a video with learning and educational content for NPPOs to use in a crisis situation relating to safe food and other humanitarian aid, using the already adopted CPM Recommendation R-09 as a basis to raise awareness and for advocacy material.

(h) Consider further the need of other support and implementation material on this topic (e.g. review examples and case studies to identify short, medium and long-term consequences of establishment of pests associated with humanitarian aid and identify potential phytosanitary management options).

(i) Consider, in consultation with RPPOs, their potential role in supporting the work of the focus group.

(j) Review of consultation comments and revision of the draft Specification to be presented to SC prior to be presented back to the CPM-19 (2025).

For further information: Please contact by email [email protected] or [email protected].

Nominations are due 24 JUNE 2024.

2024-05 - Call for experts for the CPM FOCUS GROUP ON GLOBAL PHYTOSANITARY RESEARCH COORDINATION - Deadline Monday, 24 June 2024

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for qualified experts to join the: • CPM Focus Group Global Research Coordination.

Nominations are due by 24 June 2024.

Meetings of the focus group will convene virtually but there may be one in-person meeting, if necessary. Attendance of meetings by focus group members is mandatory. The meetings will be held in English. The timing of virtual meetings can rotate and sometimes meetings will be held at unusual times, so the participants are expected to be flexible. Participants should also have a good internet connection and access to virtual meetings devices. 1. Instructions for making nominations Nominations will be accepted from contracting parties, national or regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs or RPPOs). A nomination should only be made if the nominee has agreed to his/her nomination and can allocate appropriate time to the task as outlined in the Statement of Commitment.

Each nomination must be accompanied by the following documentation, available on this webpage:

  1. Completed Nominee details and summary of expertise form - All sections should be completed, including contact details, education, and professional training. A clear description of the nominee’s expertise is required. MS Word version of the document is preferred. The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_First name_Summary

  2. Completed and signed Statement of Commitment - this should be read carefully by each nominee and discussed between the nominee and their employer. The form should be signed by the nominee and a senior person in authority from the organization that employs the nominee and submitted with the nomination (as a file such as PDF). The file should be named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_First name_Commitment.

  3. The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) – electronic copy of the nominee’s CV with the file named as follows: COUNTRY_SURNAME_First name_CV. MS Word version of the document is preferred.


Nominations can be submitted both online or via e-mail.

IMPORTANT: Please make your submissions by using the email address of IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO and NOT the alternative email address.

Online Submissions

Link to Online Submissions

These online submission forms have been created to facilitate the submission process. They also allow you to work with them offline. After completing the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address with the completed form attached.

Please also note that some of the fields on the form have data verification (please avoid using spaces in front or at the end in the following fields):

  • Email address of the IPPC Official Contact Point or RPPO - please provide the email address. Make sure that your email address is correct, as you will receive an automated email receipt confirmation from the IPPC Secretariat once you have submitted your nomination.
  • Nominee's first name - please capitalize your first name. Examples: Anna, Muhammad
  • Nominee's last name - please capitalize your last name. Examples: Laurie, Kimura
  • Nominee's email address - please provide the correct email address of the nominee. They will also receive a confirmation to that email address. Example: [email protected]
  • Nominee's mobile number - please provide a telephone number where the Secretariat can reach the nominee as needed. Please use a "+" in front of the number and not use parentheses. Example: +391234567890. The calling code of your county can be found here: https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/international-calling-codes.html

e-Mail Submissions

Submissions including all necessary documents (listed above) should be sent to the IPPC Secretariat by e-mail [email protected] with copy to Arop Deng [email protected]; no later than 24 June 2024. The name of the nominating country or RPPO and the words “Call for Experts for CPM Focus Group on Global Phytosanitary Research Coordination” should be placed in the subject line of the email message.

2. Specific expertise required

The membership should have collective experience and expertise in a broader, global perspective of global phytosanitary research, as well as multilateral research cooperative and coordination arrangements and policies, as well as knowledge of the IPPC and its activities.

The IPPC Secretariat will review the nominations and the selected nominees will be endorsed by the CPM Bureau based on the information provided in the nomination. The selected expert will be contacted by the IPPC Secretariat.

Composition and criteria for the selection of experts for the CPM Focus Group can be found in the Terms of Reference

For further information: Please contact Mr Arop Deng by email: [email protected]