Environmental Benefits of Medfly Sterile Insect Technique in Madeira and their Inclusion in a Cost-Benefit Analysis
Published: jeu, 23 Oct 2014, 13:40
Last updated: ven, 15 Mai 2015, 11:11
The study sets out to quantify the different categories of benefits that would be obtained by effectively controlling the medfly using SIT and the costs of the control programme. The economic analysis will evaluate how Madeira-Med benefits society as a whole and not only fruit producers. It includes gains from increase in production volumes and the reduction of production costs, which are direct benefits for the farmers. In addition it includes improvements in environmental quality and health that will benefit both farmers and fruit consumers. Recent cost benefit analyses for proposed insect pest eradication or suppression programmes have included some environmental factors, but a systematic valuation of these factors is new to this study.
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Submitted by: FAO/IAEA
Environmental benefits of medfly sterile insect technique in Maderia.pdf