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Tips for going paperless - using the International Phytosanitary Portal to update your correspondence format

Mié, 15 Dic 2010, 00:00
En Es Fr Ar

The 5th Session of the CPM agreed that all IPPC communications will be paperless (i.e. electronic only) from 31 December 2012.

In order to prepare for going paperless, CPM-5 encouraged members to opt to receive electronic correspondence only as soon as practically possible.

Going paperless is easy! The IPPC Contact Point or an officially nominated IPP Editor simply needs to follow these steps: 1. Login to the IPP: https://www.ippc.int/index.php?id=16. 2. Scroll down the screen to “My Preferences” (on the right hand side of the screen). 3. Under “My Preferences,” click on “Edit correspondence format.” 4. Select the option “Acceptance of correspondence in electronic format from the IPPC Secretariat to all IPPC contact points.” 5. Click on the “Submit” button to save your selection.

Contact points and IPP editors are able to change their correspondence preference at any time.

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