International Pest Risk Research Group
Department for environment food and rural affairs
Sand Hutton
United Kingdom
YO41 1LZ
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International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG) replacing International Advisory Group on Pest Risk Analysis (IAGPRA)
The International Advisory Group on Pest Risk Analysis (IAGPRA) was established following the highly successful International Plant Health Pest Risk Analysis Workshop at Niagara Falls, Ontario, CA, October 24-28, 2005. IAGPRA consisted of a small number of pest risk analysis (PRA) experts from around the world together with representatives from the IPPC Secretariat and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat. The group provided expert advice and support to the CPM, its subsidiary bodies, contracting parties and the IPPC Secretariat on PRA related issues, in particular with respect to building capacity for PRA. IAGPRA supported the development of PRA training and advocacy materials. Members of IAGPRA also delivered training around the world, including in China, India, Jordan, Kenya and Russia. The training material is freely available and can be viewed by following this link. The last major task of IAGPRA was the development of the IPPC Guide to Pest Risk Communication (May 2019).
Several members of IAGPRA were also members of the International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG). IPRRG is a group of more than 300 scientists and practitioners, collectively wishing to assist the CPM, its subsidiary bodies, contracting parties and the IPPC Secretariat with their PRA-related activities. Discussions between the Chair of IAGPRA and the Executive Committee of IPRRG concluded that the best way to provide this assistance was for IAGPRA and IPRRG to join forces, with IPRRG accepting IAGPRA’s former roles and responsibilities. The chair of IAGPRA wrote to the Secretary to the IPPC in February 2019 to inform him that IPRRG should replace IAGPRA and be recognized as an external organization cooperating with the IPPC.
IPRRG first convened in 2007 as the International Pest Risk Mapping Workgroup. It is a dedicated group of research scientists and pest risk practitioners who aim to develop pest risk methods through rigorous and innovative research to address key challenges faced by the discipline. IPRRG holds regular meetings to present, discuss, and test new developments. IPRRG communicate findings of the group and its members to a broad international audience that includes scientists, policymakers, and other end users. IPRRG also provide technical training to promote best practice.
Most IPRRG members work for Government agencies or institutions but IPRRG does not represent these agencies. The group is an unincorporated association, and is registered as a not-for-profit business in Australia. The constitution of IPRRG was formally ratified by group members in September 2015. A PDF version of the constitution can be downloaded here.