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The First IPPC Phytosanitary Capacity Assessment Workshop Successfully held in Barbados

Posted on Vie, 02 Jun 2017, 08:10

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IPPC 2017 - PCE Facilitator Fitzroy White and workshop participants convene in Bridgetown Barbados.

Trained under the STDF401 project PCE Facilitators Training project, Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Facilitator Fitzroy White delivered the first phase of PCE workshops in Bridgetown Barbados 28 April to 2 May 2017.

The multistakeholder workshop was attended by a number of active participants, suggesting positive outcomes for the remainder of the project. The objective of this first workshop was to inform all stakeholders of the PCE process and complete all PCE modules related to the establishment of an NPPO and modules related to diagnostic. The workshop brought together relevant stakeholders to improve the phytosanitary system, including the Ministry of Agriculture, researchers and a representative from farmers.

Fitzroy was responsible for providing training on problem analysis and SWOT analytical methods, coordinating with government officials, and facilitating the initial stages of the gap analysis. IPPC Capacity Development Officer Sarah Brunel provided expertise and support to the PCE facilitator and along with Fitzroy, conducted several interviews with importers of plants for planting, fruits and vegetables.

Fitzroy expressed his appreciation for the openness and engagement of the internal and external stakeholders during this first phase. He also found the content of the training under the STDF401 highly relevant to the practical application of the PCE, in particular with relation to understanding stakeholders relationships, and guiding and participating in the SWOT analysis.

The forthcoming second PCE workshop is currently being planned and will work to develop the phytosanitary capacity development strategy.

For more information on the PCE click here.

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