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The Expert Consultation on Draft Diagnostic Protocols is now open!

Posted on Mar, 23 Abr 2013, 20:51

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Expert Consultation on Draft Diagnostic Protocols (DPs) on IPP is now open for: - Anastrepha spp. (2004-015) - Phytoplasma (general) (2004-018) - Tospovirus (TSWV, INSV, WSMV) (2004-019) - Ditylenchus dipsaci and Ditylenchus destructor (2004-017) If you are interested in commenting, please access this page The closing dates are: - Anastrepha draft DP 28 May 2013 - Phytoplasma and Tospovirus draft DP 03 June 2013 - Ditylenchus draft DP 27 June 2013

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