Posted on Mar, 01 Feb 2011, 08:10
Evening session during CPM-5. Photo by Stephanie Dubon.During each session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, much of the in-depth discussions necessary to carry out the mission of the IPPC and move the CPM work programme forward take place outside of the Plenary. Evening sessions play a vital role in providing CPM members an opportunity to have open exchanges and reach agreement on topics that generate a high level of interest. To ensure maximum participation, interpretation is provided in all FAO languages. At previous CPMs, evening sessions have been instrumental to ensuring that consensus is possible in order to adopt standards in the Plenary. Likewise, other top priorities such as the Capacity Development Strategy have been addressed in evening sessions.
Due to the financial constraints currently facing the IPPC Secretariat, there had been a risk that evening sessions would not be held during CPM-6.
Recognizing the importance of the evening sessions, the Norwegian government has provided partial funding to allow evening sessions to take place with interpretation. Good plant health is important to ensure both crop production and biodiversity. IPPC work on knowledge development, standard setting and capacity building in member countries is very important to prevent the introduction and spread of pests worldwide, said the Minister of Agriculture and Food Lars Peder Brekk (visit the website of the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food for more information:
The funds provided by the Norwegian government will help ensure that new standards for which there is a high level of interest can be addressed adequately. We have a responsibility to contribute to international efforts for plant health. Therefore, I am pleased to support the IPPC so that the work program for 2011 can be implemented, says Brekk.