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Strengthening Cooperation between the IPPC and the STDF

Posted on Vie, 07 Jul 2017, 10:25

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IPPC 2017 - IPPC Secretariat Rome, Italy. Meeting participants convene to discuss cooperation between the IPPC and the STDF

IPPC Secretary, Jingyuan Xia held a meeting with Melvin Spreij, the Secretary of the Standard Trade Development Facility (STDF) on 3 July 2017, at FAO-HQ, in Rome Italy. IPPC Programme Specialist Orlando Sosa, IPPC Capacity Development Officer Sarah Brunel, and IPPC Consultant Laura Vicaria participated in the meeting. The meeting s objective was to discuss all IPPC projects funded by the STDF as well as further cooperation between the IPPC with the STDF.

The STDF-funded IPPC ePhyto Solution project was discussed with a focus on its progress and potential in trade facilitation. The group also reviewed the current status of the IPPC STDF401 project Training of Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Facilitators.

Secretary Xia brought attention to the two planned IPPC Seminars on Plant Health and Trade Facilitation tentatively scheduled for 11-12 October 2017 during the CPM-SPG meeting. Melvin Spreij was pleased to accept Secretary Xia s invitation to deliver a keynote address to these important IPPC events.

For more information on the 2017 IPPC Annual Theme of Plant Health and Trade Facilitation click here

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