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New questions and answers on ISPM15 symbol registration now up on IPP FAQs page

Posted on Vie, 20 Dic 2013, 16:33

In an effort to support the IPPC Contracting Parties symbol registration and renewal, the IPPC Secretariat and the FAO Legal Office have prepared a list of frequently asked questions along with their answers that are posted on the IPPC website s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. These answers explain the importance of ISPM symbol registration, steps needed to obtain registration, and the consequences of failing to register. There is also a question and answer forum, where you can find concise answers to any posed questions related to ISPM15 symbol registration. If your question is not addressed, please do not hesitate to forward your queries to: IPPC@fao.org. The eighth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures noted the current status of ISPM 15 symbol registration by contracting parties, and underlined the importance of renewal and new registration of the symbol. Based on these discussions,, the IPPC Secretariat has worked with the FAO Legal Office to develop a thorough registration and renewal process. We proudly announce that the necessary process for renewal in the year 2013 has been finalized and that several countries have begun reimbursing associated costs. The IPPC would like to draw attention to the significant impacts that this symbol can have on many industries and national economies at the international level. In this way, the ISPM 15 symbol has great economic value for all. It is our hope that the newly developed FAQs will support the application of symbol registration and renewal, two key elements towards facilitating global economic and trade developments.

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