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Updated 12.03.2015 - Announcement: Capacity Development pre-CPM - 10 Training Session, Side Sessions, Market Places and Special Topics

Posted on Mar, 10 Mar 2015, 14:57

Updated schedule of the Capacity Development pre-CPM - 10 Training Session, Side Sessions, Market places and Special Topics can be seen here.

A capacity development training session, range of side sessions, market places places and special topics will take place during the week of the tenth session of the Commission on the Phytosanitary Measures (16 - 20 March 2015) at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy.

The training session will take place on the Sunday before the CPM, and the side sessions will take place during the week. A new format of lively and concrete exchanges will be held this year under the form of Market places during the week.

The CPM-10 schedule has been adjusted to allow for a two and a half hour break between the CPM plenary sessions, allowing delegates to participate in the one-hour side sessions and still allowing time for lunch. All CPM-10 side sessions will be held in English only. Further information on each of the sessions is outlined here.

All contracting parties are encouraged to take this opportunity to participate actively in the training session, side sessions, market places and special topics during CPM-10.

We look forward to meeting you during CPM-10!

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