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2011 SPTA working group: reviewing strategies for an effective action

Posted on Lun, 07 Nov 2011, 08:10

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The 2011 Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance (SPTA) working group meeting took place on 4-7 October in Rome, Italy. The open-ended meeting covered several important issues related to the core activities of the IPPC - standard setting, information exchange, capacity building, and international cooperation.

In particular, the working group discussed the new overall IPPC strategic framework, with particular focus on the development of new strategies related to resource mobilization and communication; the proposed strategies will be discussed in the Seventh Session of Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM7) meeting in 2012 for possible adoption.

Regarding the standard setting process, two main issues were addressed:

The report of the 2011 Focus Group (FG) on Improving the Standard Setting Process (SSP) was presented. The working group analyzed the different recommendations included in the report and added new comments and suggestions; Prioritization of topics in the IPPC Standard Setting Programme was considered as a fundamental step at this stage of the IPPC activity. The ongoing review of Article XIV Statutory Bodies required detailed analysis by the SPTA. Regarding international cooperation, the SPTA working group agreed that the creation of strategic and information documents is necessary for a successful IPPC Partnership Programme, and a correct understanding of the IPPC role within the international organizations framework.

A specific section of the meeting agenda was dedicated to capacity development. For instance, the call for technical resources and the proposal for the creation of an oversight body for capacity development were the significant points of discussion.

Other issues that were raised during the meeting include: the IPPC budget and funding system, aquatic species and the IPPC, the phytosanitary risks associated with internet trade, regional workshops on draft ISPMs and the planned symposium during CPM 7 in 2012.

Information on 2010 SPTA meeting »

For information on major coming meetings:

SC (7-11 November 2011) » CPM7 (19-23 March 2012) »

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