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CPM 15

Esta página contiene la información y los documentos básicos de la decimoquinta sesión de la Comisión de Medidas Fitosanitarias (CMF-15) que se celebrará los días 16 de marzo, 18 de marzo y 1 de abril de 2021 de forma virtual (a través de Zoom). Las sesiones se celebrarán cada día de 10:00 a 13:00 horas (CET) y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas (CET).

La inscripción a la CMF-15 está abierta a las partes contratantes de la CIPF y a los observadores de la CMF. Para más detalles sobre el proceso de inscripción a la CMF, consulte el siguiente enlace: https://www.ippc.int/es/news/cpm-15-registration-is-open/

Se han programado dos sesiones virtuales de prueba para las partes contratantes y asociados de la CIPF, el 11 de marzo de 2021, de 9:00 a 10:00 am (CET), y de 6:00 a 7:00 pm (CET). Se invita a los participantes inscritos a la CMF a asistir a una de las sesiones de prueba utilizando el mismo enlace de Zoom proporcionado para asistir a las sesiones de la CMF.

La CMF-15 también se retransmitirá por Internet en http://www.fao.org/webcast/home/es/, para que los interesados que no se hayan inscrito puedan seguir los debates.

Se pueden encontrar más recursos y contenidos multimedia de CPM-15 en Trello.

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
CPM 2021/22 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures - Ink amendments to adopted international standards for phytosanitary measures (ISPMs) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/01 03 Zoom meetings - Guidelines for Participants En Es Fr Ru Ar 18 Ene 2021
IPPC Secretariat's Invitation Letter to CPM-15 En Es Fr 18 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/12 19 CPM authorization for the CPM Bureau to operate on its behalf during 2021 - Role of the CPM Bureau and IPPC Secretariat during times of emergencies or crises En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 19 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/24 07 Report from the IPPC Secretariat En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/25 12.2 IPPC Secretariat Work Plan and Budget for 2021 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/27 11.3 Update from the Sea Containers Task Force En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 19 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/29 11.2 Adoption of the List of Implementation and Capacity Development Topics - Adjustments En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/INF/06 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report from Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) En 21 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/26 11.1 Report from Implementation and Capacity Development Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 26 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/28 15.1 Report on international cooperation of the IPPC Secretariat En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 27 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/03 08.1 Adoption of the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/30 17 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Subsidiary Bodies (including selection of new CPM Chairperson) - CPM Bureau En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 29 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/31 13.1 Long-term financial sustainability - ePhyto En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 29 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/01_REV_01 03 Provisional Agenda and Schedule En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 29 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/02 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report from the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture En 17 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/INF/03 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report from the ISO Secretariat En 17 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/04 14.2 International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 (revised in February 2021) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/05 14.3 Proposal for an International Day of Plant Health En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/06 08.3 Report from Strategic Planning Group - Strengthening the Strategic Planning Group’s strategic focus and value to the Bureau and CPM En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 06 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/07 08.3 Report from Strategic Planning Group - Terms of Reference for a CPM Focus Group on Communications En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 24 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/08 08.3 Report from Strategic Planning Group - Terms of Reference for a CPM Focus Group on Implementation of the IPPC Strategic Framework’s 2020-2030 Development Agenda Items En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/09 08.2 Implementation and Capacity Development Committee Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure – Revision presented for adoption En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/10 16.1 Updates on Technical Cooperation among regional plant protection organizations - 31st Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (TC-RPPOs) - Summary Report En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/INF/07 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Overview En Es Fr 17 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/INF/08 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - The Ozone Secretariat for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer En 04 Feb 2021
FAO DG Invitation to the IPPC Contracting Parties En Es Fr Ru Ar 09 Feb 2021
Example of Credentials En Es Fr Ar 09 Feb 2021
FAO DG Invitation to the CPM Observers En Fr Ru 10 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/11 08.4 Endorsement of updated Framework for standards and implementation En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Dic 2020
CPM 2021/13 06 Report from the CPM Chairperson (including update on CPM Focus Group on Strengthening pest outbreak alert and response systems) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 06 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/14 08.3 Report from Strategic Planning Group - Establishment of CPM Focus Group on Climate change impacts on plant health En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 06 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/17 09.1 Report from Standards Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 06 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/18 09.3 Standards Committee recommendations to the CPM (including adoption of the List of topics for IPPC standards) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 06 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/16 10 CPM recommendations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/16_01 10 Safe provision of food and other humanitarian aid to prevent the introduction of plant pests during an emergency situation (2018-026) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/16_02 10 Facilitating safe trade by reducing the incidence of contaminating pests associated with traded goods (2019-002) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/19 08.3 Report from Strategic Planning Group - Summary 2020 Strategic Planning Group Report En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/20 14.2 Update on IPPC communications - Report on Communication and Advocacy of the IPPC Secretariat En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/21 17 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Subsidiary Bodies - Standards Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 09 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15_05 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for Bactrocera dorsalis (2017-015) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/15_06 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Cold treatment for Ceratitis Capitata on Prunus avium, Prunus salicina and Prunus persica (2017-022A) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/15_07 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Prunus avium, Prunus salicina and Prunus persica (2017-022B) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/23 12.1 IPPC Secretariat financial report (2019 and 2020) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 18 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/01 03 Adoption of the Agenda – Documents list En 15 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/02 03.1 EU statement of competence En 15 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/03 03 Interventions from Australia En 16 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/04 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) En 15 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/05 01 Statements from the European Union and its 27 Member States En 15 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/06 08.2; 13.1 Statements from COSAVE En 16 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/07 17 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Subsidiary Bodies - CPM Bureau and CPM Standards Committee En 16 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/08 17 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Subsidiary Bodies - Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) Membership En 16 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/09 08.3 Revised Terms of Reference for a CPM Focus Group on Communications En 16 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/10 08.3 Revised Terms of Reference for a CPM Focus Group on Implementation of the IPPC Strategic Framework’s 2020-2030 Development Agenda Items En 16 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/11_REV01 08.3 Revised Terms of Reference for a CPM Focus Group on Climate Change and Phytosanitary Issues En 18 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/12_REV01 11.3 In preparation for the Friends of the Chair meeting on Sea Containers En 18 Mar 2021
CPM-15 Draft Report En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 30 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/CRP/13 18 Any Other Business - Update on Desert locust upsurge En 01 Abr 2021
CPM 2021/32 17 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Subsidiary Bodies - Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) Membership En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/INF/09 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Summary Report of the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr 23 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/INF/10 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report from the International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG) En 17 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/INF/11 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures – Objections to draft ISPMs presented for adoption by CPM-15 (2021) En 23 Feb 2021
CPM 2021/02 03 Annotated agenda - updated 11/03/2021 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/33 16.1 Updates on Technical Cooperation among regional plant protection organizations - Update on the 32nd Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations (TC-RPPO) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 23 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/INF/12 09.2 Adoption of standards and noting of ink amendments (Referring to paper CPM 2021/22) En 05 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/INF/13 11.3 Update from the Sea Containers Task Force - Proposal for a Path Forward for the Sea Container Task Force En Es Fr 09 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/INF/14 08.1; 08.2; 11.4; 13; 13.1; 19 New Zealand Written Statements on Selected Agenda Items En 09 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15_08 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Vitis vinifera (2017-023A) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/15_09 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Vitis vinifera (2017-023B) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/15_10 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for Carposina sasakii (2017-026) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/15 02 Keynote Address - Speech by H.E. Jari Leppä, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland En 09 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15_11 09.2 Draft PT Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for the genus Anastrepha (2017-031) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/16 10.1 Pacific Plant Protection Organisation (PPPO) and its members written statements on selected agenda item En 10 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/INF/17 09.1 Report from Standards Committee - Speech by the Chairperson of the Standards Committee En Es 10 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/18 11.1 Report from Implementation and Capacity Development Committee - Speech by the Chairperson of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee En 10 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15_01 09.2 Draft Revision of ISPM 8: Determination of pest status in an area (2009-005) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/19 16.1 Update on 31st Technical Consultation among regional plant protection organizations - Speech by Chairperson En 10 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15_02 09.2 Draft ISPM: Requirements for the use of modified atmosphere treatments as phytosanitary measures (2014-006) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/20 16.1 Update on 32nd Technical Consultation among regional plant protection organizations - Speech by Chairperson En 10 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/15_03 09.2 Draft 2018 Amendments to ISPM 5: Glossary of phytosanitary terms (1994-001) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/15_04 09.2 Draft ISPM: Requirements for NPPOs if authorizing entities to perform phytosanitary actions (2014-002) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/21 03 Adoption of the Agenda - CPM-15 App En 11 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/INF/04 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - COLEACP SPS activities En 14 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/05 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - The World Customs Organization overview En 08 Ene 2021
CPM 2021/INF/22 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Phytosanitary Measures Research Group (PMRG) En 12 Mar 2021
CPM 2021/INF/23 15.2 Written reports from international organizations - Statement from the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (the Alliance) En 12 Mar 2021

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