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Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on Solanum jasminoïdes

Fecha de publicación
Vie, 11 May 2007, 00:00
Última actualización
Mayo 10, 2007, 9:01 a.m.
Número del informe
Netherlands, Kingdom of the
Plaga identificada
Potato spindle tuber viroid - (PSTVD0)
Estado del informe
Solanum jasminoïdes
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Absent: intercepted only
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: transient
Distribución geográfica
One producer (protected cultivation) of ornamental plants in Bleiswijk, province Zuid Holland.

This report concerns the finding of PSTVd on ornamental Solanaceae plants in the Netherlands.

PSTVd is regulated as a harmful organism for the European Community (Annex I A section I).

The Netherlands Plant Protection Service routinely carries out monitoring surveys in the ornamental plant industry for PSTVd on symptomless Solanaceae plants. One lot of ornamental potted plants of Solanum jasminoides at a company specialised in rooting plantlets, was confirmed to have tested positive for PSTVd on May 30, 2006. Investigations revealed that the infested lot may have originated in Kenya or in Israel.

Phytosanitary legislation of the European Community prohibits the introduction of plants of Solanaceae intended for planting from third countries, other than European and Mediterranean countries (Annex III A 13).

Measures have been taken to prevent reoccurrence of the import of S. jasminoides plants from third countries, other than European and Mediterranean countries.

This is the first finding of PSTVd in Solanum jasminoides. Impact of PSTVd on S. jasminoïdes is absent. The main phytosanitary risk of PSTVd concerns tomato and potato cultivation. The risk of spread of PSTVd from ornamental Solanaceae to tomato or potato cultivation is considered limited in the Netherlands because this takes place in different areas and in separate cultivation systems. The pest has been detected as an individual occurrence, directly related to an imported consignment, and has not resulted in establishment. Appropriate phytosanitary measures, including further tracing have been conducted to determine if other plants are infested or possible occurrence of the pest at other companies. No further infections of PSTVd on Solanaceae plants could be detected.
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