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Eradication of Bactrocera dorsalis species complex (Oriental fruit flies) in Amami Oshima Island, Japan

Fecha de publicación
Mié, 17 Ago 2016, 10:15
Última actualización
Ago. 17, 2016, 10:15 a.m.
Número del informe
Estado del informe
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Absent: pest eradicated
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Absent: pest eradicated
Distribución geográfica
Amami Oshima Island (Kagoshima Prefecture)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) confirmed the occurrence of Bactrocera dorsalis species complex in Amami Oshima Island, Kagoshima prefecture in Kyusyu region in September 2015. It was the first time since 1979 when the eradication had been confirmed in the region. MAFF would like to announce that the eradication has been succeeded after intensive phytosanitary measures in collaboration with Kagoshima prefecture as blow had been conducted.

  1. Background

In Amami Oshima Island, investigation using intensive trapping has been conducted to pay attention to the occurrence and to prevent spread of the flies because they occasionally fly into the areas following the wind from Taiwan and the Philippine Islands.

In 2015, continuous detections were reported and phytosanitary measures were  strengthened. However, the number of detection of the flies had been increased. Under the circumstances, MAFF started official control (emergency measures) based on the Plant Protection Act on 13th December 2015.

  1. Emergency measures

Emergency measures for eradication of the flies had been conducted in collaboration with Kagoshima prefecture and local concerned parties since the flies were detected.

○ Enhance the survey using intensive trapping in the region to detect the intrusion as soon as possible.

○ Deploy a large number of the Celotex plates impregnated with the lure/insecticide mixture to attract and kill the flies and spray of the Bait to control the flies.

○ Apply insecticide to host plants and remove host fruits surrounding the detection sites in cooperation with inhabitants.

Additionally, official control against the flies based on the Plant Protection Act by MAFF started from 13th December 2015.

○ Prohibit movement of host fruits from restricted area to the other areas without inspection by plant protection officer.

○ Instruct to dispose host fruits judged as parasitic by the officer and purchase those fruits by the price calculated from sales performance by MAFF.

  1. Eradiation confirmed and lifting the official control

Finally, eradication of the flies was confirmed based on the discussion with experts and publicly the official control was lifted on 14th July 2016 because there was no detection during three generation periods; between 21st December 2015 and 9th July 2016.

  1. Future plan

Countermeasures of the flies based on the advice from experts perform to pay attention to the occurrence and to prevent spread of the flies after eradication are as follows.

○ Strengthen system to detect the invasion such as increasing a number of the trapping.

○ Stock items to control the pest like the Celotex plates to respond quickly.

○ Share the information promptly and corporate with local residents if next entry is confirmed.

Contacto para obtener más información
NPPO Japan Official Contact Point ippc_contact@maff.go.jp
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