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2021 SPG

2021 meeting of the Strategy Planning Group (SPG).

Doc Programa Título Archivos Publications date
02_SPG_2021_Oct 03.1 Documents List En 06 Oct 2021
13_SPG_2021_Oct 07.2 Framework for Standards and Implementation En 24 Sep 2021
10_SPG_2021_Oct 06.1 International Plant Health Conference En 29 Sep 2021
11_SPG_2021_Oct 06.2 International Day of Plant Health En 30 Sep 2021
14_SPG_2021_Oct 05.1 IPPC and One Health - New Zealand En 30 Sep 2021
15_SPG_2021_Oct 05.3 Other strategic topics – Certification - New Zealand En 30 Sep 2021
16_SPG_2021_Oct 05.3 Other strategic topics - Expanding the use of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) tool - New Zealand and Australia En 30 Sep 2021
07_SPG_2021_Oct 04.4 Communications En 30 Sep 2021
17_SPG_2021_Oct 04.6 ePhyto update En 30 Sep 2021
09_SPG_2021_Oct 05.2 IPPC Partnership strategy, including industry engagement En 30 Sep 2021
08_SPG_2021_Oct 05.1 IPPC and “One Health” En 30 Sep 2021
12_SPG_2021_Oct 07.1 Revised IC TOR and ROP En 05 Oct 2021
18_SPG_2021_Oct 04.5 Terms of Reference for CPM Focus Group: Sea Containers En 30 Sep 2021
06_SPG_2021_Oct 04.3 Climate Change and Phytosanitary Issues: update on the Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Plant Pests En 04 Oct 2021
19_SPG_2021_Oct 07.1 Revised IC TOR and ROP - EU En 04 Oct 2021
20_SPG_2021_Oct 05.1 IPPC and “One Health” – Argentina En 04 Oct 2021
05_SPG_2021_Oct 04.2 Implementation of the Strategic Framework 2020 – 2030 Development Agenda En 04 Oct 2021
04_SPG_2021_Oct 04.1 Preliminary outcomes and recommendations from the CPM FG on Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems En 05 Oct 2021
03_SPG_2021_Oct 03.2 Participants List En 21 Oct 2021
21_SPG_2021_Oct 07.3 IPPC Dispute Settlement Procedure En 06 Oct 2021
00_SPG_2021_Oct 00 ZOOM Guidelines for the participants En 12 Oct 2021
01_SPG_2021_Oct_Rev_01 02.1 Provisional Agenda En 06 Oct 2021
00 04.1 PRESENTATION - Preliminary outcomes and recommendations from the CPM FG on Pest Outbreak Alert and Response Systems En 19 Oct 2021
00 04.4 PRESENTATION - CPM FG on Communications En 19 Oct 2021
00 04.2 PRESENTATION - CPM FG on Implementation of the Strategic Framework 2020 – 2030 Development Agenda En 19 Oct 2021

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