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CPM-18 Side session on E-commerce

16 April 2024 | FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

E-commerce has transformed the way goods are bought and sold and moved in international trade, presenting economic opportunities and significant challenges for plant protection and safe trade of plants and plant products. This side session focuses on the pest risk posed by e-commerce, as well as best practices and country case studies, for mitigating this risk. It also offers an opportunity for countries share their experiences in addressing some of the plant-health related challenges brought about by the rapid expansion of e-commerce and the ever-changing landscape of digital technologies. The discussion emphasizes the importance of collaboration among all e-commerce stakeholders and highlights two key resources developed by the IPPC, an IPPC guide to e-commerce and an infographic video.

Recording: https://fao.zoom.us/rec/play/keNKMv3sCNqS8ZSz543HEXg7qgGZJl0ZT-f7oQ3bw75sdYbocITAprqWHI1rSeM0X5g1U-ThU_EbeJU.lNuoPpeecycfsB7P

Passcode: CPM2024+

Biographies of the speakers, an outline of the programme, copies of the presentations and voice recordings of the interpretation (AR, EN, ES, FR, RU, ZH) are provided below.

Programa Título Archivos Publications date
3. Thorwald Geuze: IPPC capacity development resources on e-commerce En 25 Abr 2024
4. Bruno Gallant: E-commerce: Spread the word, not the pests En 25 Abr 2024
6. Rosina Leicht: The challenge of overseeing e-commerce En 25 Abr 2024
5. Peter Thomson: Collaborative approaches for effective pest risk management En 25 Abr 2024
7. Julie Hong-Sakowski: Addressing agricultural smuggling in the United States En 25 Abr 2024
8. Susan Patnode: Universal Postal Union Postal Security Group and Illicit Goods Mitigation En 25 Abr 2024
Programme and biographies of speakers En 25 Abr 2024
English voice recording En 04 May 2024
Spanish voice recording En 04 May 2024
French voice recording En 04 May 2024
Chinese voice recording En 04 May 2024
Arabic voice recording En 04 May 2024
Russian voice recording En 04 May 2024

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