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IPPC Phytosanitary Treatments search tool

The tool presents summarized information on phytosanitary treatments. Please do not rely exclusively on the information provided in this search tool, but follow the link to the full treatment details that contain all the necessary information to conduct a treatment successfully. In case used in international trade, users are responsible in ensuring that the treatments comply with the import requirements of the importing country.
  • This search tool will return phytosanitary treatments that are either internationally adopted by CPM (green) or they are used in national level (red). In this case the search tool gives information on the country that accepts trade based on the treatment.
  • The treatment types are categorized according to the IPPC treatment types: Harmonized Terms for Treatment Types: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/85943/ and the treatment codes are provided.
  • The information on the name of the pest is based on the text of the phytosanitary treatment, the scientific and common names are sourced from the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization's (EPPO) Global Database and also contains the EPPO code.
  • The information on the Product/Commodity is based on the text of the treatment. Citrus species and hybrids are named according to the nomenclature in Cottin, R. 2002. Citrus of the world: A citrus directory version 2.0. France, SRA INRA-CIRAD.
     Adopted      NON Adopted
This web page was last updated on 2017-10-23. For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact [email protected].
Título Treatment type Pest Product/Commodity Treatment schedule País Última actualización
ISPM 28 - PT 39 Radiation treatment (RAT) Anastrepha
Diptera : Insecta

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Anastrepha

Minimum absorbed dose of 70 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Anastrepha spp.

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 38 Radiation treatment (RAT) Carposina sasakii
Carposinidae : Lepidoptera
peach fruit moth

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Carposina sasakii

Minimum absorbed dose of 228 Gy to prevent the emergence of viable adults of Carposina sasakii.

23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 37/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Vitis vinifera
Vitaceae : Vitales
common grapevine

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 14 continuous days. 

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 37/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Vitis vinifera
Vitaceae : Vitales
common grapevine

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 1 °C or below for 12 continuous days.

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 36/3 None Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Vitis vinifera
Vitaceae : Vitales
common grapevine

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days. 

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 36/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Vitis vinifera
Vitaceae : Vitales
common grapevine

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 18 continuous days.

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 36/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Vitis vinifera
Vitaceae : Vitales
common grapevine

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 1 °C or below for 16 continuous days.

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 35/3 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Prunus persica
Rosaceae : Rosales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 14 continuous days. 

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 35/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Prunus salicina
Rosaceae : Rosales
Chinese plum

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 14 continuous days. 

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 35/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Prunus avium
Rosaceae : Rosales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 14 continuous days.

23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 34/6 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Prunus persica
Rosaceae : Rosales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days. 

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 34/5 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Prunus salicina
Rosaceae : Rosales
Chinese plum

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days. 

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 34/4 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Prunus avium
Rosaceae : Rosales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days.

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 34/3 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Prunus persica
Rosaceae : Rosales

Duration and Temperature: Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 1 °C or below for 16 continuous days.
Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 34/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Prunus salicina
Rosaceae : Rosales
Chinese plum

Duration and Temperature: Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 1 °C or below for 16 continuous days.
Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 34/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Prunus avium
Rosaceae : Rosales

Duration and Temperature: Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 1 °C or below for 16 continuous days.


Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 32 Vapour Heat (TPT-VH) Bactrocera dorsalis
Tephritidae : Diptera
oriental fruit fly

Carica papaya
Caricaceae : Brassicales

Fruit core temperature rasied to a minimum of 46 °C in a vapour heat chamber and maintained for a minimum of 70 minutes in accordance with ISPM 28 PT 32.

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 33 Radiation treatment (RAT) Bactrocera dorsalis
Tephritidae : Diptera
oriental fruit fly

Carica papaya
Caricaceae : Brassicales

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Bactrocera dorsalis

Minimum absorbed dose of 116 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Bactrocera dorsalis

Internationally approved 23 Nov 2022
ISPM 28 - PT 15 Vapour Heat (TPT-VH)
Tephritidae : Diptera
melon fly

Cucumis melo var. reticulatus
Cucurbitaceae : Cucurbitales
netted melon

(netted melon)

Fruit core temperature raised to a minimum of 45 °C in a vapour heat chamber and maintained for 30 minutes in accordance with ISPM 28 PT 15.

Internationally approved 29 Ene 2019
ISPM 28 - PT 06 Radiation treatment (RAT) Cydia pomonella
Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
codling moth

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Cydia pomonella

Minimum absorbed dose of 200 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Cydia pomonella.

Internationally approved 10 Oct 2018
ISPM 28 - PT 01 Radiation treatment (RAT) Anastrepha ludens
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mexican fruit fly

All fruits and vegetables, that are hosts of Anastrepha ludens

Minimum absorbed dose of 70 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Anastrepha ludens.

Internationally approved 23 Feb 2018
ISPM 28 - PT 09 Radiation treatment (RAT) Conotrachelus nenuphar
Curculionidae : Coleoptera
plum weevil

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Conotrachelus nenupharl

Minimum absorbed dose of 92 Gy to prevent the reproduction in adults of Conotrachelus nenuphar.

Internationally approved 11 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 28 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus reticulata
Rutaceae : Sapindales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 23 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 27/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus paradisi
Rutaceae : Sapindales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 23 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 26/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus limon
Rutaceae : Sapindales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 18 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 26/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus limon
Rutaceae : Sapindales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 16 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 24/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus sinensis
Rutaceae : Sapindales
sweet orange

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 16 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 24/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus sinensis
Rutaceae : Sapindales
sweet orange

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 18 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 24/3 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus sinensis
Rutaceae : Sapindales
sweet orange

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 25/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus reticulata x Citrus sinensis (tangerine)

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 25/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus reticulata x Citrus sinensis (tangerine)

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 20 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 16 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly


Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 16 continuous days.

Internationally approved 05 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 31 Vapour Heat (TPT-VH) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Mangifera indica
Anacardiaceae : Sapindales

Fruit core temperature raised to a minimum of 47 °C in a vapour heat chamber and maintained for 15 minutes in accordance with ISPM 28 PT 31.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 30 Vapour Heat (TPT-VH) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Mangifera indica
Anacardiaceae : Sapindales

Fruit core temperature raised to a minimum of 46.5 °C in a vapour heat chamber and maintained for 10 minutes in accordance with ISPM 28 PT 30.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 29 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus clementina
Rutaceae : Sapindales

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 16 continuous days.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 27/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

Citrus paradisi
Rutaceae : Sapindales


Maximum fruit core temperature kept at  2 °C or below for 19 continuous days.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 23/2 Fumigation (CHT-FU) Wood-borne life stages of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) and insects, including Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Arhopalus tristis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Debarked wood not exceeding 20 cm in cross-section at its smallest dimension and 75% moisture content (dry basis).

Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation to achieve a minimum concentration time product (CT) of 1400 g·h/m3 and minimum concentration of 41 g/m3 at ≥30 °C over 24 hours.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 23/1 Fumigation (CHT-FU) Wood-borne life stages of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) and insects, including Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Arhopalus tristis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Debarked wood not exceeding 20 cm in cross-section at its smallest dimension and 75% moisture content (dry basis).

Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation to achieve a minimum concentration time product (CT) of 3000 g·h/m3 and minimum concentration of 29 g/m3 at ≥20 °C over 48 hours.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 22/4 Fumigation (CHT-FU) Wood-borne life stages of insects, including Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Arhopalus tristis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Debarked wood not exceeding 20 cm in cross-section at its smallest dimension and 75% moisture content (dry basis).

Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation to achieve a minimum concentration time product (CT) of 1400 g·h/m3 and minimum concentration of 41 g/m3 at ≥30 °C over 24 hours.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 22/3 Fumigation (CHT-FU) Wood-borne life stages of insects, including Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Arhopalus tristis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Debarked wood not exceeding 20 cm in cross-section at its smallest dimension and 75% moisture content (dry basis)

Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation to achieve a minimum concentration time product (CT) of 1500 g·h/m3 and minimum concentration of 44 g/m3 at ≥25 °C over 24 hours.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 22/2 Fumigation (CHT-FU) Wood-borne life stages of insects, including Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Arhopalus tristis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Debarked wood not exceeding 20 cm in cross-section at its smallest dimension and 75% moisture content (dry basis).

Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation to achieve a minimum concentration time product (CT) of 2300 g·h/m3 and minimum concentration of 67 g/m3 at ≥20 °C over 24 hours.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 22/1 Fumigation (CHT-FU) Wood-borne life stages of insects, including Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Anobium punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) and Arhopalus tristis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Debarked wood not exceeding 20 cm in cross-section at its smallest dimension and 75% moisture content (dry basis).

Sulphuryl fluoride fumigation to achieve a minimum concentration time product (CT) of 3200 g·h/m3 and minimum concentration of 93 g/m3 at ≥15 °C over 24 hours.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 21 Vapour Heat (TPT-VH) Bactrocera melanota
Tephritidae : Diptera

Bactrocera xanthodes
Tephritidae : Diptera

Carica papaya
Caricaceae : Brassicales


Fruit core temperature raised to a minimum of 47.5 °C in a forced hot air chamber and maintained for 20 minutes in accordance with ISPM 28 PT 21.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 20/2 Radiation treatment (RAT) Ostrinia nubilalis
Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
European corn borer

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Ostrinia nubilalis.

Minimum absorbed dose of 343 Gy to prevent F1 egg hatching of O. nubilalis.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 20/1 Radiation treatment (RAT) Ostrinia nubilalis
Pyralidae : Lepidoptera
European corn borer

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Ostrinia nubilalis.

Minimum absorbed dose of 289 Gy to prevent F1 development of O. nubilalis.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 19 Radiation treatment (RAT) Dysmicoccus neobrevipes
Pseudococcidae : Sternorrhyncha
gray pineapple mealybug

Planococcus lilacinus
Pseudococcidae : Sternorrhyncha
cacao mealybug

Planococcus minor
Pseudococcidae : Sternorrhyncha
passion vine mealybug

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of the above mealybugs

Minimum absorbed dose of 231 Gy to prevent the reproduction of adult females of Dysmicoccus neobrevipes, Planococcus lilacinus and Planococcus minor.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 18/2 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Citrus limon
Rutaceae : Sapindales


Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 14 continuous days.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 18/1 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Citrus limon
Rutaceae : Sapindales


Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 2 °C or below for 14 continuous days.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 17 Cold Treatment (TPT-CT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

Citrus reticulata x C. sinensis (tangor)

Maximum fruit core temperature kept at 3 °C or below for 16 continuous days.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 14 Radiation treatment (RAT) Ceratitis capitata
Tephritidae : Diptera
Mediterranean fruit fly

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Ceratitis capitata.

Minimum absorbed dose of 100 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Ceratitis capitata.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 13 Radiation treatment (RAT) Euscepes postfasciatus
Curculionidae : Coleoptera
West Indian sweet-potato weevil

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Euscepes postfasciatus.

Minimum absorbed dose of 150 Gy to prevent the development of F1 adults of Euscepes postfasciatus.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 12 Radiation treatment (RAT) Cylas formicarius
Apionidae : Coleoptera
sweet-potato weevil

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Cylas formicarius

Minimum absorbed dose of 165 Gy to prevent the development of F1 adults of Cylas formicarius.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 11 Radiation treatment (RAT) Grapholita molesta
Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
oriental fruit moth

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Grapholita molesta under hypoxia

Minimum absorbed dose of 232 Gy to prevent oviposition of Grapholita molesta.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 10 Radiation treatment (RAT) Grapholita molesta
Tortricidae : Lepidoptera
oriental fruit moth

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Grapholita molesta

Minimum absorbed dose of 232 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Grapholita molesta.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 08 Radiation treatment (RAT) Rhagoletis pomonella
Tephritidae : Diptera
apple maggot fly

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Rhagoletis pomonella

Minimum absorbed dose of 60 Gy to prevent the development of phanerocephalic pupae of Rhagoletis pomonella.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 07 Radiation treatment (RAT) Tephritidae
Insecta : Hexapoda

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of fruit flies of the family Tephritidae

Minimum absorbed dose of 150 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of fruit flies.

Internationally approved 04 Sep 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 05 Radiation treatment (RAT) Bactrocera tryoni
Tephritidae : Diptera
Queensland fruit fly

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Bactrocera tryoni

Minimum absorbed dose of 100 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Bactrocera tryoni.

Internationally approved 30 Ago 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 04 Radiation treatment (RAT) Bactrocera jarvisi
Tephritidae : Diptera
Jarvis's fruit fly

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Bactrocera jarvisi

Minimum absorbed dose of 100 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Bactrocera jarvisi.

Internationally approved 30 Ago 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 03 Radiation treatment (RAT) Anastrepha serpentina
Tephritidae : Diptera
sapodilla fruit fly

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Anastrepha serpentina

Minimum absorbed dose of 100 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Anastrepha serpentina.

Internationally approved 30 Ago 2017
ISPM 28 - PT 02 Radiation treatment (RAT) Anastrepha obliqua
Tephritidae : Diptera
Antillean fruit fly

All fruits and vegetables that are hosts of Anastrepha obliqua

Minimum absorbed dose of 70 Gy to prevent the emergence of adults of Anastrepha obliqua.

Internationally approved 30 Ago 2017