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Mediterranean Fruit Fly Action Plan

Published: Mar, 04 Dic 2012, 14:09
Last updated: Lun, 17 Feb 2020, 09:43
This action plan provides guidelines and actions for the eradication of a Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) infestation. This action plan supplements information contained in the Medfly Program Manual, Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) Treatment Manual, and Emergency Programs and Administrative Cadre Manuals. Use this action plan in conjunction with other manuals when conducting emergency program activities. The information and instructions contained in this Action Plan were developed with and approved by representatives of cooperating States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research and Cooperative State Research Services, and affected industry. All program technology and methodology employed is determined through discussion, consultation, or agreement with the cooperating State officials. The information contained in this document is intended for use only when a Medfly infestation is known to exist. Use this action plan for guidance in implementing eradication procedures and in preventing spread to other locations. The Medfly Program Manual provides technical and general information needed to implement any phase of a Medfly eradication program. Base specific emergency program action on information available at that time.
Resource provide by:
  • NPPO of USA
Organization providing resource: United States Department of Agriculture Marketing and Regulatory Programs Animal a
Type of contact: ONPF
  • Specific pest control manual
Submitted by: USDA-APHIS
