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Opening of IPPC consultation periods

Posted on إثنين, 02 يوليو 2018, 13:38

The 2018 consultations on draft ISPMs has opened today, 02 July, and will close on 30 September 2018.

The 2018 consultation on draft specifications also started today, 02 July, and will close on 31 August 2018.

The following draft ISPMs …

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Consultation on IC Sub-groups draft Terms of Reference and draft Rules of Procedure open

Posted on إثنين, 02 يوليو 2018, 07:08

The IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) agreed to send the following three draft documents for consultation:

  • Draft Rules of Procedure for IC Sub-groups
  • Draft Terms of Reference for the IC Sub-group for the Implementation Review and Support System …

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IPPC guides and training materials from the Phytosanitary resources page now are available!

Posted on خميس, 28 يونيو 2018, 07:41

The IPPC guides and training materials from the Phytosanitary resources page now are available.

You can find them here.

Further information on the contributed resources will be available shortly.

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International meeting - Innovative and sustainable approches to control the Red Palm Weevil RPW)

Posted on جمعة, 22 يونيو 2018, 07:26

CIHEAM Bari and FAO will organize a three-days meeting at CIHEAM Bari on 23-25 October 2018 entitled: International meeting - Innovative and sustainable approches to control the Red Palm Weevil (RPW). More information is available here.

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The IPPC ePhyto Hub is now open for use!

Posted on جمعة, 15 يونيو 2018, 12:06

enter image description here

IPPC Contracting Party Contact Points have been sent a letter announcing that the IPPC ePhyto Hub is now open for business. Any Contracting Party/Country wishing to do so is now welcome to sign up and participate. Joining the Hub is …

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Consultation on draft IPPC Strategic Framework for 2020-2030 open!

Posted on جمعة, 15 يونيو 2018, 10:21

The consultation on the new draft IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030 is now open!

Contracting parties, regional plant protection organizations, members of the Standards Committee and Implementation and Capacity Development Committee and relevant international organizations are invited to provide their feedback …

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CPM-13 report posted

Posted on جمعة, 08 يونيو 2018, 09:34

The CPM-13 report has been posted and is now available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/governance/cpm/cpm-reports/

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The report of the IC May 2018 meeting is posted!

Posted on أربعاء, 06 يونيو 2018, 15:15

The report of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) May 2018 meeting is now available on the IPP at :


The meeting was held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy from 21 to 25 May 2018.

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The report of the 31st Standards Committee meeting is posted!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 05 يونيو 2018, 12:48

The 2018 May Standards Committee meeting was successfully held in Rome, Italy from 14 to 18 May 2018. The report is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/85924/ .

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The Provisional Agenda of the 2018 June TPPT meeting is posted!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 05 يونيو 2018, 12:45

The provisional agenda of the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments June 2018 meeting is now available on the IPP Calendar at: https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/614/

The meeting will be held in Shenzhen, China from 25 to 29 June 2018.

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4th IYPH Steering Committee report posted

Posted on خميس, 17 مايو 2018, 08:59

The report of the fourth meeting of the International Year of Plant Health Steering Committee (IYPH StC) of the IPPC has been posted to the IYPH web page on the IPP. Here is the direct link to the report: …

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Replacement of the Phytosanitary Resources website

Posted on أربعاء, 16 مايو 2018, 13:42

Unfortunately, FAO IT Security found serious security issues on the Phytosanitary Resources website (www.phytosanitary.info), therefore we had to put it down.

Contributed resources previously available on the Phytosanitary Resources website now can be found here .

IPPC Guides …

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April 2018 Bureau Report posted

Posted on أربعاء, 16 مايو 2018, 09:52

The report of the April 2018 meeting of the CPM Bureau is now available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/governance/bureau/

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Consultation on CPM recommendation: Next Generation Sequencing technologies is now open!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 15 مايو 2018, 10:17

The 2018 consultation on CPM recommendation: Next Generation Sequencing technologies as a diagnostic tool for phytosanitary purposes has opened today, 15 May, and will close on 15 August [2018].

Comments should be submitted through the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS): …

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