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Another great achievement: The reorganized suite of fruit fly standards are now available in English on the IPP!

Posted on إثنين, 08 أكتوبر 2018, 14:07

ISPMs 26, 30, 35 and 37 have successfully been reorganized to reflect the decisions of CPM-13 (2018). This reorganization made the suite of fruit fly standards more logical and simple, which will help in their implementation and facilitate safe …

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Newly adopted Diagnostic Protocols are now available on the IPP!

Posted on خميس, 04 أكتوبر 2018, 15:03

The five newly adopted Diagnostic Protocols (DPs) have now been posted to the IPP in English and can be found at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/ispms/#publications

Click here to read more about the importance of these new diagnostic protocols in helping …

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The compiled comments from the first and second round of consultations on draft ISPMs are now posted!

Posted on إثنين, 01 أكتوبر 2018, 12:45

Compiled comments for the first and second consultations on draft ISPMs have now been posted on the IPP at this link:


The IPPC Secretariat would like to thank all who have participated in the consultative process and invites IPPC …

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Attention to SPAM email!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 18 سبتمبر 2018, 08:25

Please be aware that some IPPC user has received SPAM emails that seems coming from the [email protected] or from other IPP users email addresses.

When you receive a message please check that it comes from [email protected] and don''t open suspicious …

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The Provisional Agenda of the SC November meeting is now posted!

Posted on إثنين, 10 سبتمبر 2018, 10:32

The provisional Agenda of the Standards Committee (SC) meeting is available at the IPP Calendar at: https://www.ippc.int/en/events/event/626/

The meeting will take place at FAO, Rome, Italy from 19 to 23 November 2018

The draft specification to be discussed at the …

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The compiled comments from the consultation on IC Sub-groups draft Terms of Reference and draft Rules of Procedure are now posted

Posted on إثنين, 03 سبتمبر 2018, 15:32

Compiled comments from the consultation on Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) Sub-groups draft Terms of Reference and draft Rules of Procedure have been posted on the IPP at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/consultation-on-ic-sub-groups-draft-terms-of-reference-and-draft-rules-of-procedure/

The IPPC Secretariat would like to thank …

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The compiled comments from the first consultation on draft specifications are now posted!

Posted on إثنين, 03 سبتمبر 2018, 09:18

Compiled comments from the 2018 consultation on the draft specification for Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood commodities have been posted on the IPP at the following link:


The IPPC …

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IPPC Regional Workshop presentations now available in Russian!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 28 أغسطس 2018, 10:27

All 2018 IPPC Regional Workshop presentations are now available in Russian at: https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/regional-ippc-workshops/2018-ippc-regional-workshops/.

All-Russian Quarantine Center (VNIIKR) and EPPO are greatly thanked for undertaking these translations.

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CPM recommendation on NGS technologies consultation period is now closed and the compiled comments are posted!

Posted on خميس, 16 أغسطس 2018, 13:06

The compiled comments for the consultation on CPM recommendation: Next Generation Sequencing technologies as a diagnostic tool for phytosanitary purposes have been posted on the IPP:


Please check the above document to make sure that comments correctly reflect those …

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CPM-13 report available in languages

Posted on ثلاثاء, 07 أغسطس 2018, 12:01

CPM-13 report is now available in all FAO languages and can be downloaded from here.

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Draft ISPMs for the first consultation are now available in Russian

Posted on أربعاء, 25 يوليو 2018, 12:33

Draft ISPMs for the first consultation are now available in Russian at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/regional-ippc-workshops/2018-ippc-regional-workshops/. These unofficial translations were provided by EPPO.

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International course on Xylella fastidiosa

Posted on أربعاء, 25 يوليو 2018, 09:30

From 12 to 16 November 2018, the CIHEAM Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Agronomic Studies in Zaragoza will be organizing an advanced course for professionals on Plant diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa: detection, identification, monitoring and control. The course will involve …

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Presentations for the 2018 IPPC Regional Workshops

Posted on خميس, 05 يوليو 2018, 13:00

The presentations of the 2018 IPPC Regional Workshops are now available at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/capacity-development/regional-ippc-workshops/2018-ippc-regional-workshops/

The IPPC Secretariat staff is looking forward to meeting You during these workshops and greatly thanks all co-organizers!

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The report of the 2018 meeting of the Standards Committee Working group SC-7) is posted!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 03 يوليو 2018, 12:02

The 2018 meeting of the Standards Committee Working group (SC-7) was held from 21 to 23 May 2018 in Rome, Italy. The report of this meeting is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/86148/

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