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Workshop on the International Movement of Grain Meeting Report and Presentations Available

Posted on Fri, 10 Feb 2012, 08:10

We would like to inform you that the meeting report and all workshop presentations from the Work…

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Newly formatted ISPMs have been uploaded on the IPP.

Posted on Thu, 12 Jan 2012, 08:10

Newly reformatted ISPMs have been posted on the IPP (https://www.ippc.int/index.php?id=13399 ) i…

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Eight Developing Countries Have Started Using the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Thanks to IPPC

Posted on Mon, 09 Jan 2012, 08:10

The IPPC staff has facilitated the use of the Phytosanitary (plant health) Capacity Evaluation (…

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IPPC Sets a New Partnership for Training in Pest Risks Analysis in the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Posted on Thu, 22 Dec 2011, 08:10

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) has partnered with the Inter-American Devel…

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2011 Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry

Posted on Fri, 18 Nov 2011, 08:10

On November 11, 2011, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published the Guide to impl…

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The IPPC Secretariat Updates the WTO/SPS Committee

Posted on Fri, 11 Nov 2011, 08:10

On 18-19 October, 2011, the IPPC Secretariat reported to WTO/SPS Committee on the major developm…

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Implementation Review and Support System IRSS) ISPM-6: Guidelines for Surveillance

Posted on Wed, 09 Nov 2011, 08:10

Dear IPPC Contact Points,

The Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) has been as…

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2011 SPTA working group: reviewing strategies for an effective action

Posted on Mon, 07 Nov 2011, 08:10

The 2011 Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance (SPTA) working group meeting took place on …

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Workshop on Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation in Lebanon

Posted on Fri, 14 Oct 2011, 08:10

The Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) of the phytosanitary services in Lebanon was carried…

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2011 Member Comments Posted on the IPP

Posted on Mon, 10 Oct 2011, 08:10

The IPPC Secretariat has posted the compiled comments on draft ISPMs from the 2011 Member Consul…

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Regional training program in pest risk analysis - 3 October 2011 to 15 May 2012

Posted on Fri, 26 Aug 2011, 08:10

This Training Program is the result of a joint effort that has been first among several institut…

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Draft ISPMs available for NPPO and RPPO review for the 2011 November Standards Committee Meeting

Posted on Tue, 02 Aug 2011, 08:10

The IPPC Secretariat has posted two draft ISPMs for review at the 2011 November Standards Commit…

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Save and grow: a policymaker's guide to the sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production

Posted on Mon, 27 Jun 2011, 08:10

Save and Grow

In order to meet food production demand over the next 40 years, farmers in …

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IPPC Secretariat launches new Online Comment System for 2011 member consultation for draft ISPMs

Posted on Mon, 20 Jun 2011, 08:10

The IPPC Secretariat launched the new Online Comment System (OCS) on 20 June 2011, which also ma…

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