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First IPPC Seminar promotes International Year of Plant Health

Posted on Thu, 25 Jun 2015, 08:44

As part of a new policy the new IPPC Secretary Mr Jingyuan XIA has established the practice of h…

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SC-7 2015 report has been posted!

Posted on Thu, 18 Jun 2015, 09:00

The Standards Committee Working Group (SC-7) met from 11 to 12 May at FAO headquarters in Rome, …

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Capacity Development Committee Continues Progress to Strengthen Phytosanitary Systems

Posted on Mon, 15 Jun 2015, 08:55

The IPPC s Capacity Development Committee (CDC met 1-5 June 2015 in San Jose, Costa Rica. This w…

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Technical Assistance Activities from the WTO SPS

Posted on Tue, 09 Jun 2015, 08:27

The WTO Secretariat is organizing specific technical assistance activities on the Agreement on t…

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2015 IPPC Call for Topics

Posted on Fri, 05 Jun 2015, 09:46

The 2015 call for topics has been launched on 5 June and ends on 14 August.

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Service Level Agreement with FAO Translation service signed!

Posted on Tue, 02 Jun 2015, 10:31

Today, June 2nd 2015, Mr Brent Larson, Standard Setting Officer at the IPPC Secretariat and Mr S…

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The substantial concerns commenting period has opened!

Posted on Mon, 01 Jun 2015, 07:20

The IPPC 2015 substantial concerns commenting (SCCP) period has started today, 1st June 2015. Read more  

Standards Committee May 2015 report has been posted!

Posted on Fri, 29 May 2015, 07:49

The Standards Committee (SC) met from 4 to 8 May at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy.


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IPPC at EXPO Milan 2015!

Posted on Mon, 25 May 2015, 09:23

Milan, Italy, will become a global showcase with Expo Milano 2015: from May 1 to October 31 more…

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ISPMs adopted at CPM-10 are posted!

Posted on Thu, 21 May 2015, 07:56

The IPPC Secretariat is pleased to announce that all ISPMs adopted by the Tenth Commission on Ph…

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March 2015 CPM Bureau Report posted

Posted on Tue, 19 May 2015, 14:36

The report from the March 2015 CPM Bureau has been posted and is available at https://www.ippc.i…

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Welcome to The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as the 182nd contracting party to the IPPC.

Posted on Fri, 15 May 2015, 12:54

The IPPC Secretariat welcomes The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as the 182nd contractin…

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IPPC Financial Committee report posted!

Posted on Tue, 05 May 2015, 09:19

The report from the March 2015 CPM Financial Committee has been posted and is available at Read more  

2015 April call for discussion papers for the working group to discuss the concept of a commodity standard

Posted on Wed, 29 Apr 2015, 13:33

During its tenth session (16-20 March 2015), the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) agr…

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