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Eastern Australia and the Ord River: Australian pest free areas for Mediterranean fruit fly

Posted on Tue, 26 Sep 2017, 07:50

A roadside fruit fly host material amnesty bin to protect to protect Australia s…

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The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Africa successfully Held in Lomé Togo

Posted on Tue, 26 Sep 2017, 07:08

IPPC 2017

The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Africa was held from 11 - 13 Septe…

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The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for the Caribbean Successfully Held in Bridgetown Barbados

Posted on Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 09:23

IPPC 2017

The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for the Caribbean was held from 13 - 1…

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The IPPC Secretary Meets with the Minister of Agriculture of Georgia

Posted on Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 09:16

2017 Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. IPPC Secretary Jingyuan Xia meets with the Georgian…

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The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Latin America Successfully Held in Cusco Peru

Posted on Thu, 14 Sep 2017, 12:21

The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Latin America was held from 05 - 08 September 2017, in Cusco…

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An Official Launch of the Inception for the IPPC Project on Capacity Development under the Framework of FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme

Posted on Wed, 13 Sep 2017, 07:14

IPPC 2017. The IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop participants for Central and Eastern Europe and Ce…

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The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia Successfully Held in Georgia

Posted on Tue, 12 Sep 2017, 14:59

IPPC 2017. 2017 IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop participants convene in Tbilisi Georgia. Read more  

IPPC Secretariat and the FAO Sub-regional Office for Central Asia work together towards increasing accessibility of IPPC training guides to Russian speaking countries

Posted on Wed, 06 Sep 2017, 07:18

FAO AZ, 2016, Inception meeting of the MTF/AZE/007/STF: STDF/PG/316 Strengthening phytosanit…

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The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for the Near East and North Africa Successfully Held in Tunisia

Posted on Tue, 22 Aug 2017, 15:06

21-24 August 2017: Fifteen Near East and North Africa countries have been gathe…

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Test the pest! - Two new IPPC Diagnostic Protocols adopted

Posted on Thu, 17 Aug 2017, 10:22

The IPPC Secretariat is happy to announce that there are two new diagnostic pro…

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Strong Support to the IPPC Validation Workshop on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation from Madagascar

Posted on Mon, 14 Aug 2017, 23:28

The validation Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation workshop for Madagascar receives the su…

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The First and Second IPPC Workshops on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Organized in Republic of Guinea with Support of the STDF401 Project

Posted on Mon, 14 Aug 2017, 21:34

@ Mekki Chouibani - PCE Workshop in Guinea

At the request of the NPPO of the Republic of …

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The IPPC National Reporting Obligations Workshop for the South-West Pacific held in Fiji

Posted on Fri, 11 Aug 2017, 12:22

The IPPC National Reporting Obligations Workshop for the South-West Pacific was held in Nadi, Fi…

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The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for the South-West Pacific held in Fij

Posted on Wed, 09 Aug 2017, 21:08

The 2017 IPPC Regional Workshop for the South-West Pacific was held in Nadi, Fiji from 7th to 9t…

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