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Last CPM-15 sessions on 1 April 2021

Posted on Thu, 01 Apr 2021, 06:06

Today the last sessions of CPM-15 will be held from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 to 6 pm (Rome time)…

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CPM-15 Draft report now posted in all languages

Posted on Tue, 30 Mar 2021, 10:19

The CPM-15 Draft report is now posted in all languages, please find it here:

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Last sessions of CPM-15 on 1 April 2021

Posted on Mon, 29 Mar 2021, 15:21

CPM-15 participants (IPPC contracting parties, CPM observers and FAO staff) are reminded to atte…

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The latest report of the CPM Bureau is out

Posted on Fri, 26 Mar 2021, 15:50

The report of the latest meeting of the Bureau of Commission on Phytosanitary Measures meeting i…

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The study on "Authorizing entities to perform phytosanitary actions" has been published.

Posted on Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 14:05

The study on "Authorizing entities to perform phytosanitary actions" has been published, you can…

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Registration is open for SPS Committee’s side event on safe trade

Posted on Mon, 22 Mar 2021, 13:55

Interested users can now Read more  

The report of the fifteenth meeting of the IYPH International Steering Committee is online

Posted on Mon, 22 Mar 2021, 08:51

The report of the fifteenth meeting of the International Year of Plant Health International Stee…

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Recording of CPM-15 sessions (16-18 March) available!

Posted on Fri, 19 Mar 2021, 11:52

The recording of CPM-15 sessions (16 and 18 March) are available on the FAO webcast channel:

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Work to develop an IPPC Guide on e-Commerce has begun!

Posted on Thu, 18 Mar 2021, 15:51

The members of the newly formed Working Group that has been tasked with developing the <…

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The "2020 IPPC Annual Report" has been published

Posted on Thu, 18 Mar 2021, 12:59

The "2020 IPPC Annual Report" has been published, you can download it here: Read more  

The "Plant health and climate change" factsheet has been published

Posted on Tue, 16 Mar 2021, 13:41

The "Plant health and climate change" factsheet has been published, you can download it Read more  

CPM-15 quorum reached

Posted on Mon, 15 Mar 2021, 10:06

With 109 valid credentials and 126 countries registered, the fifteenth session of the Read more  

IPPC CPM-15 Mobile App now available with everything you need for CPM-15!

Posted on Wed, 10 Mar 2021, 16:33

Rome, 10 March 2021 - The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) in c…

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Seeking expert’s comments on diagnostic protocols for Mononychellus tanajoa, the cassava green mite.

Posted on Thu, 04 Mar 2021, 11:20

The IPPC just opened the Expert Consultation on Draft Diagnostic Protocols for Monon…

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