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Collaboration with CDI, Wageningen University: Theory of Change

Пн, 30 Сен 2019, 15:42
Doc #
Partnership with Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen

[1] Monitoring and Evaluation for the IPPC Community and IPPC Secretariat has been the subject of work undertaken through two letters of agreement concluded with the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University & Research through a Theory of Change approach funded by the EU project on the Implementation Review Support System. The work is based on the ‘Managing for Sustainable Development Impact’ approach, which is “an integrated, results-oriented management approach, which can be used across a range of sectors and domains in a variety of contexts, and aims to contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals” (Kusters, Batjes et al. 2017). [2] The process for the development of the Theory of Change entailed discussions with representatives of National phytosanitary M&E systems, followed by rounds of discussions with the IPPC Secretariat, and a literature review and discussions with sister organisations like STDF and OIE. Individual Theories of Change have been developed for the three units of the IPPC Secretariat: ToC for standard-setting, ToC for Implementation and capacity development, and ToC for communication & international cooperation. [3] A Theory of Change (ToC) (Figure 1) was also developed to monitor the contributions of the IPPC Community towards the implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention, the ISPMs, the CPM Recommendations and progress towards the objectives and development agendas laid out in the IPPC Strategic Framework (SF) 2020-2030. The ToC illustrates the contribution of the effective functioning of phytosanitary systems in curtailing the spread and impact of plant pests towards the fulfilment of the three strategic objectives from the SF: (1) Facilitate safe trade, development & economic growth; (2) Enhance global food security & increase sustainable agricultural productivity; and (3) Protect the environment from the impact of plant pests. [4] In 2019, the IPPC Secretariat established a Task Force on Monitoring and Evaluation (TFME) with representation from the different units in the IPPC Secretariat. An M&E matrix has been developed alongside the Theory of Change to trace the contribution of the Secretariat’s activities to the objectives and development agenda items outlines in the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030. Currently, the TFME is working on identifying indicators for the M&E Matrix for the IPPC Secretariat, and the IPPC Community, developing the Terms of Reference for the development of guidelines for country level M&E Systems in the Phytosanitary Community.

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Monitoring, evaluation and learning

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