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The first PCE application workshop conducted by the IPPC PCE-trained Facilitator in Nairobi Kenya

Posted on Вс, 21 Май 2017, 04:00

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Trained under the STDF401 PCE Facilitators Training project, Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) facilitator Chiluba Mwape delivered the first PCE workshop for Kephis Kenya, from 15 - 17 March 2017, in Nairobi, Kenya. This was the first of three expected PCE workshops for Kenya, to be delivered by Chiluba Mwape.

In response to expressed interest by Kenyan phytosanitary authorities, this activity marked the initial stage of the application of the PCE in Kenya. Working closely with the National PCE Coordinator for Kenya, and IPPC Programme Specialist Orlando Sosa, the PCE Facilitator coordinated a workshop and planning meeting involving key stakeholders from relevant Kenyan plant protection/ plant quarantine departments, ministries, external organizations, institutions and the private sector. The PCE Facilitator also trained participants on implementation of the PCE as well as strategic planning. The PCE Facilitator was also responsible for providing technical advice to national and international legal consultants on Kenyan phytosanitary legislation.

A plan of action was developed for continued application of the PCE with an emphasis on ensuring linkages with KEPHIS Kenya s own ongoing strategic planning processes. A needs assessment for 5 PCE modules will be conducted to feed into KEPHIS strategic planning processes that are currently underway. PCE Facilitator Chiluba Mwape noted that the PCE training and in particular the support and resources provided, combined with his experiences working with the NPPO of Botswana and the IPPC Secretariat made for a more effective presentation and workshop facilitation in Kenya. He will continue to validate his own training through continued provision of technical support as Kenya continues forth with the PCE application process.

See the video below to hear about Chiluba Mwape s experiences conducting his first PCE facilitation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7sfbsuyyqk30t7/clip%203.mp4?dl=0

To learn more about the PCE tool click here.

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