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The CPM Bureau Teleconference Meeting held on 8th March 2018

Posted on Ср, 14 Мар 2018, 08:35

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A CPM Bureau teleconference meeting was held on 8th March 2018 with participation of six Bureau members and all Core Team Members of the IPPC Secretariat. The meeting was chaired by the CPM Chairperson, Ms Lois Ransom (Australia), and opened by the IPPC Secretary, Mr Jingyuan Xia.

The meeting was devoted to update the recent organizational change in the IPPC Secretariat, including the staff organigram and their funding resources, as well as the roles, responsibilities and activities of the Standard Setting Unit (SSU), the Implementation Facilitation Unit (IFU) and the Integration & Support Team (IST). The discussion was mainly focussed on the proposed minimum staffing requirements for basic operation of the IPPC Secretariat, the preparation for the CPM-13 Preparations (such as the papers, side sessions and special session), and the next step for registration of the ISPM-15 symbol.

The Bureau members welcomed the recent organizational changes of the IPPC Secretariat and the proposed minimum staffing requirements for basic operation of the IPPC Secretariat. The Bureau members emphasized that the new proposed staffing structure should be in line with the Enhancement Evaluation to the IPPC Secretariat. The Bureau members expressed their strong support to have a stabilized and sustainable IPPC Secretariat. The Bureau members also showed their high appreciation for the IPPC Secretariat to set the 2018 as the year of optimization of financial management.

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