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The 2nd IPPC Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop Held towards building Staff's Capacity for the IPPC Secretariat

Posted on Пн, 27 Мар 2017, 16:21

Photo Copyright IPPC, 2017: Monitoring and Evaluation workshop February 2017

The 2nd IPPC Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Workshop was held from 15-17 February 2017 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The main objective of the workshop was to continuously strengthen staff s capability for the IPPC Secretariat. The workshop was facilitated by Ms Cecile Kusters from the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen University in the Netherlands and attended by all the IPPC Secretariat staff.

This three day M&E workshop focused on progressing the Theory of Change (ToC) schematic and capturing the IPPC work activities and Strategic Framework in relation to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Strategic Framework and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Workshop participants discussed the use of the M&E matrix to focus on key information needs and uses.

The next immediate steps for the IPPC Secretariat include the development of an interim IPPC M&E working group, and the completion of the draft ToC schematic and narrative, the M&E matrix and indicator categories. A second project phase will include engagement of contracting parties and regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) on the drafts and identification of practical indicators before implementation of the M&E framework. The second phase is intended to be commenced later this year, depending on the availability of funding.

The development of an M&E framework works towards the internal IPPC Secretariat goal of One IPPC and the general goal for the IPPC towards 2020 to increase overall capacity of contracting parties to implement the IPPC Convention. The IPPC Secretariat is firmly committed to work collaboratively as it continues to develop the M&E framework.

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