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Meeting of the Expert Working Group on Guidance on Pest Risk Management successfully held in Malta

Posted on Пн, 19 Мар 2018, 14:53

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The meeting to develop a draft ISPM on Guidance on pest risk management took place in Qawra, Malta from 05 to 09 of March 2018, and was chaired by Mr Harry Arijs (European Commission). The meeting was organized by the IPPC Secretariat and was hosted by the national plant protection organization (NPPO) of Malta. Mr Sharlo Camilleri, Director of the Plant Protection Directorate, head of the NPPO of Malta, opened the meeting by welcoming all participants to Qawra and he expressed his appreciation for supporting the IPPC by co-organizing the meeting.

The 12 participants included experts from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Philippines, Spain and the USA, as well as from the host country, Malta.

The experts drafted a standard providing guidance on pest risk management for quarantine pests associated with the international movement of regulated articles. The draft standard describes the processes for the identification of pest risk management options, including the basis for decisions in the pest risk management process, evaluation of options for their effectiveness, feasibility and impacts. It also outlines the selection of appropriate phytosanitary measures, the determination of documentation needed (related to evaluation and selection of phytosanitary measures for pest risk management) and the monitoring and re-evaluation of options. It provides guidance on assessing the quality and reliability of pest risk management options.

Taking a break from an intensive week of discussions, the group went on a field trip to visit San Anton Palace and Gardens at Attard Village and Mdina (The Silent City) followed by dinner hosted by the NPPO of Malta in the beautiful coastal village of Dingli.

The report of the meeting will soon be available on the IPP and the draft will be presented to the Standards Committee.

The IPPC Secretariat wishes to thank the NPPO of Malta for the co-organization and hosting of this expert working group meeting on Guidance pest risk management, as well as the European Commission for their financial contribution that enabled the Secretariat to organize the meeting.

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