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June Bureau meeting demonstrates progress from CPM-8

Posted on Пн, 17 Июн 2013, 10:21

On 11-14 June 2013, the CPM Bureau met in Rome to discuss the progress and activities of the IPPC since the 8th Commission on Phytosanitary Measures that took place in April 2013. The meeting s comprehensive agenda covered many important issues, including the status of the national reporting obligations, updates from the Capacity Development Committee s recent meeting in Malaysia, progress in various standard setting activities, an update on dispute settlement activities, development of a communications work plan, the management of IT needs, innovations in the ePhyto hub, financial reporting and resource mobilization, and the status of the Implementation Review and Support System. Discussions engaged all elements of the CPM work programme and established clear and distinct goals for the 15th Strategic Planning Group (SPG) meeting in October 2013. The CPM Bureau Chairperson plans to circulate a more detailed update soon.

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