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Help us promote the IYPH 2020 with your plant health story!

Posted on Пн, 23 Сен 2019, 07:22

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The International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 is a once in a lifetime opportunity to promote plant health. You can help by sending us your story using the International Year of Plant Health – My Story template by 15 November 2019. Submissions should be sent to [email protected].

Your stories can inspire people around the world to take action and protect plants from pests and diseases. The most inspiring stories will be translated into six languages, published on the IYPH website and other platforms, and reach a global audience.

What kind of stories are we looking for?

We need your help in identifying stories about real people that show at least one of the following:

• how someone (farmer, public or private sector employee, student, etc.) has contributed to plant health;

• the damage caused by plant pests and diseases. This will help people understand the gravity of the problem. They can also show what actions can be taken to address these problems; or

• how plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, or boost economic development.

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