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Commission observes a moment of silence for disaster victims

Posted on Чт, 17 Мар 2011, 08:10

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On 14 March 2011, the sixth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures commenced at FAO Headquarters in Rome. Mr. Mohammad Katbeh Bader, the Chair of the CPM, began the meeting by asking the CPM to observe a minute of silence for victims of the recent earthquakes and tsunami in the Pacific.

Mr. Motoi Sakamura, delegate of Japan, extended appreciation to the CPM for its support during the recent national disaster. He informed the Commission that two plant quarantine stations had been destroyed but thankfully staff from those stations had not been injured. Mr. Yukio Yokoi, the Secretary of the IPPC, also thanked those present and the international community as a whole for coming together to respond to problems such as the ones being faced by Japan.

Later in the week, it was announced that a collection for disaster victims had been organized by FAO staff and volunteers. Those wishing to make donations can do so in the atrium during the week of CPM.

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