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CPM 16 - 2022

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) extended an invitation to attend the 16th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-16). The Session will be held virtually on 5, 7 and 21 April 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CET) and from 2:00 to 4:30 PM (CET).

Registration will be held via the FAO Members Gateway for IPPC contracting parties, while CPM observers may register by submitting an email to [email protected]. IPPC contracting parties are also requested to submit their credentials to [email protected]. An example of credentials can be found here.

Upon registration, participants will receive a personalized Zoom link to attend CPM-16, which will remain the same for all sessions, including the dry-run sessions taking place on 4 April 2022 from 9:00 to 10:00 am (CET) and from 6:00 to 7:00 pm (CET).

The Session will be conducted in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. CPM-16 meeting papers are posted below.

CPM -16 webcast sessions:

Session 1https://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5780/icode/

Session 2https://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5781/icode/

Session 3https://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5782/icode/

Session 4https://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5783/icode/

Session 5https://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5784/icode/

Session 6 - https://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5785/icode/

Doc # Agenda # Заголовок Файлы Publications date
CPM 2022/07 11.6 Projects managed by the IPPC Secretariat En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/08 18.3 Membership and Potential Replacements for Implementation and Capacity Development Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 21 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/09 08.3 Framework for Standards and Implementation En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 25 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/INF/14 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - Phytosanitary Measures Research Group (PMRG) En 21 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/15 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures – Objections to draft ISPMs presented for adoption by CPM-16 (2022) En 25 Мар 2022
20 Июл 2022
CPM 2022/INF/16 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) - comments from Japan En 31 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/10 13 Update on the emerging pests activities En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 25 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/INF/01 03 CPM-16 Schedule En 30 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/02 03 Document list En 30 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/17 03 ZOOM guidelines En 21 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/11 11.1 Report of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/15 15.1 Update on the first International Plant Health Conference En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Мар 2022
IPPC Secretariat's invitation Letter to CPM-16 En Es Fr 27 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/12 11.2 National Reporting Obligations - Summary of the NRO 2021 activities and 2022 work plan En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 27 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/13 08.5 The IPPC Secretariat and One Health En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 27 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/14 08.8.3 Update from the CPM Focus Group: Climate Change and Phytosanitary issues En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/16 15.2 Update on International Day of Plant Health En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/17 08.1 Report from Strategic Planning Group En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/18 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) - Proposed ink amendments to adopted ISPMS En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/19 08.2 CPM authorization for the CPM Bureau to operate on its behalf until CPM-17, 2023 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 02 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/20 11.4 Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluations - Activities in 2021 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 02 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/21 09.3 Standards Committee recommendations to the CPM - Adjustments to the Standard Setting Process to facilitate the development of phytosanitary treatments En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/22 09.3 Standards Committee recommendations to the CPM - Adoption of the List of topics for IPPC standards En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/23 09.3 Standards Committee recommendations to the CPM - Discussions on the topic “Food and other humanitarian aid in phytosanitary context” and a proposal for the establishment of a CPM Focus Group En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/25 18.2 Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Standards Committee En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/26 11.5 Implementation, Review and Support System - Options for transitioning to more sustainable system En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 03 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/27 08.7 Recommendations from the Task Force on Topics from the IPPC 2021 Call for Topics: Standards and Implementation - TFT recommendations to CPM-16 for the 2021 Call for Topics submissions En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/18 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - International Olive Oil Council Overview En Fr 23 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/19 08.4 IPPC Dispute Settlement Procedures revision - Statement from COSAVE and its member countries En 24 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/29 16.1 Update on international cooperation En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 21 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/24 09.2 Adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/INF/20 09.3 Standards Committee recommendations to the CPM - Discussions on the topic “Food and other humanitarian aid in the phytosanitary context” and a proposal for the establishment of a CPM Focus Group – New Zealand and Australia En 29 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/21 08.8.6 Proposed establishment and draft TOR CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers – New Zealand En 29 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/22 08.8.1 Recommendations to set a Global Pest Outbreak Alert and Response System - Presentation En 29 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/40 12.1 IPPC Secretariat financial report 2021 En Es Fr Ru Ar 30 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/01 7; 8.5; 8.8.1; 8.6; 9; 9.3.3; 11.3; 11.4 Comments from Australia related to various CPM agenda items En 04 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/30 09.1 Report from Standards Committee - SC activities En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 07 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/02 11.4 Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluations (PCE) - Proposal for expanding the use of the PCE tool En 04 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/28 12.2 2022 IPPC Secretariat Work Plan and Budget En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 04 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/03 03.1 Declaration of Competences and Voting Rights submitted by the European Union and its Member States En 04 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/04 8.2; 8.4; 8.8.3; 8.8.6; 9.2; 9.3; 10.1; 11; 2; 11.3 Written statements to CPM-16 by EU En 04 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/05 08.5 PLANTIBIO project for Plant (pathogenic bacteria) antibiotic (resistance) – concept note En 04 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/06 18.1; 18.2 Confirmation of Membership and Potential Replacements for CPM Bureau and CPM Standards Committee En 05 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/24_01 09.2 Draft ISPM: Commodity-specific standards for phytosanitary measures (2019-008) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 08 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/24_02 09.2 Draft ISPM: Audit in the phytosanitary context (2015-014) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/24_03 09.2 Draft ISPM: Focused revision of ISPM 12 (Phytosanitary certificates) in relation to re-export (2015-011) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 21 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/24_04 09.2 Draft 2019 and 2020 amendments to ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) (1994-001) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/24_09 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28: Vapour heat - modified atmosphere treatment for C. Pomonella and G. molesta on M. pumila and P. persica (2017-037 and 2017-038) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/24_08 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for Sternochetus frigidus (2017-036) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/24_07 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for Zeugodacus tau (2017-025) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/24_06 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28: Cold treatment for Bactrocera zonata on Citrus sinensis (2017-013) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/07 08.8.1 Document revised during the CPM Friends of the Chair meeting - Recommendations and report from the CPM Focus Group on Pest Outbreaks Alert and Response Systems (CPM 2022/36) En 07 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/24_05 09.2 Draft Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for Tortricidae on fruits (2017-011) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/08 09.3.3 Document revised during the CPM FoC ATTACHMENT 1. [draft] terms of reference for a Focus Group on the safe provision of food and other humanitarian aid En 07 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/31 08.8.6 Proposed establishment and draft TOR CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 01 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/CRP/09 08.8.6 Document revised during the CPM FoC - Proposed establishment and draft TOR CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers. En 07 Апр 2022
CPM 2022/32 14 Update on ePhyto activities En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 09 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/34 06 Report from the CPM Chairperson En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 09 Фев 2022
Draft Part 3 of the CPM-16 Report En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 18 Май 2022
CPM 2022/33 11.3 Sea Containers Task Force En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
10 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/35 08.8.2 Update from the CPM Focus Group: Implementation of the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020-2030 En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/36 08.8.1 Recommendations and report from the CPM Focus Group on Pest Outbreaks Alert and Response Systems En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 15 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/37 07 Report from the IPPC Secretariat En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 03 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/38 17.1 Report from Technical Cooperation among regional plant protection organizations - Report of the 33rd Meeting of TC-RPPOs En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 11 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/03 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - WTO Secretariat Update En Es Fr 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/04 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - CABI Updates En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/05 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Inputs En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/06 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - COLEACP SPS Activities En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/07 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - UPU Postal Security Group (PSG) Update En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/08 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture Report En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/09 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Activities En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/10 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Overview En Fr 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/11 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - The International Forestry Quarantine Research Group (IFQRG) Update En 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/39 08.8.4 Update from the CPM Focus Group: Communications En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 17 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/INF/12 17.1 Report from Technical Cooperation among regional plant protection organizations - Annual meeting of the Regional Taskforce of NPPOs and West African Partners En 10 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/INF/13 16.2 Written reports from international organizations - Report by the Ozone Secretariat for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer En 14 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/01 03 Provisional agenda En 10 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/02 03 Detailed agenda En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 10 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/04 08.6 Adoption of the revision of the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 22 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/05 08.4 IPPC Dispute Settlement Procedures- revision En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 10 Янв 2022
CPM 2022/03 17.2 Update on the 2021 IPPC Regional Workshops En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 16 Фев 2022
CPM 2022/06_01 10.1 CPM Draft recommendation - Reduction of the incidence of contaminating pests associated with regulated and unregulated articles to protect plant resources and facilitate safe trade (2019-002) En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Мар 2022
CPM 2022/06 10 CPM recommendations En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh 28 Мар 2022
Deputy Director-General letter regarding the CPM-16 poll En 20 Окт 2021
CPM-16 Participants List En 22 Апр 2022

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