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CPM 01 - 2006

Doc # Agenda # Заголовок Файлы Publications date
CPM 2006/8 11.4 Topics and Priorities for Standards En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/11 12.2.2 CPM Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/INF/6 11.1 Report by the Chairperson of the ICPM Standards Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
00 Letter of invitation (CONTRACTING PARTIES) and model of credentials En Es Fr Ar 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/12 11.5.2 Analysis of the Costs of Standards Committee Meetings being held in Several Languages En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/14 12.8 Composition of Working Group and Terms of Reference for Working Group on the Feasibility of the Recognition of Pest Free Areas En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
00 22 March - Documents list by agenda item En 01 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/INF/10 15.2 Technical Assistance Activities by Region (2001-2005) En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/19 12.5.2 Potential Funding Arrangements of the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/25 12.4.1 Financial Report 2005 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Фев 2006
CPM 2006/1 01 Provisional agenda En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Дек 2005
00 Information for delegates (English only) En 01 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/2 11.2 Adoption of International Standards En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Ноя 2005
CPM 2006/INF/11 12.6.3 Business Plan 2006 (English only) En 01 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/INF/2 06 Issues Related to Entry into Force – Note on ICPM/CPM Procedures - List of Procedures to Apply to the CPM En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Дек 2005
CPM 2006/INF/14 12.5.1 Independent Evaluation of the Workings of the IPPC and its Institutional Arrangements (English, French, Spanish only) En Es Fr 30 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/INF/3 11.5.3 Criteria for the Formation of Supplements, Annexes and Appendices to International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Дек 2005
CRP-8 14.1 Enhanced Structures to Review and Support Compliance En 28 Авг 2006
CPM 2006/4 06.2 Establishment of a Subsidiary Body for Dispute Settlement under the CPM En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/5 04 Rules of Procedure of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/9 12.4.2 Budget 2006 and 2007 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/INF/4 07 Report by the ICPM Chairperson En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/13 13.2 Information exchange work programme for 2006 En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/23 (previously INF9) 08 Report by the Secretariat En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/22 12.5.3 Information on Voluntary Assessed Contributions En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/18 12.7 Report of the Working Group on Electronic Certification En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/15 12.6.1 Strategic Plan En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/21 15.3 Technical Assistance Work Programme En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/24 16.1 Report on the Informal Working Group on Liaison with Research and Education Institutes En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Фев 2006
CPM 2006/26 12.3.1 Financial Report 2005 En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Фев 2006
CPM 2006/27 12.3.2 Budget Plan 2006 En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Фев 2006
CPM 2006/INF/9 16.2 Report on cooperation with relevant organization (English only) En
01 Фев 2006
CPM 2006/1 Rev.2 01 Provisional agenda - revision 2 En Es Fr Ar Zh
22 Мар 2006
00 Acceptance of credentials - information - part 2 En
24 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/INF/12 00 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States En Es Fr Ar Zh
24 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/INF/15 06 List of IPPC Contracting Parties (English only) En Es 30 Мар 2006
CRP-6 14.1 Report of the Third Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement (31 March - 1 April 2005) En Es 29 Авг 2006
CRP-7 10.3 Additional Information on Activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture Related to Phytosanitary Applications of Irradiation En Es 29 Авг 2006
CPM 2007/2 09.2 Adoption of international standards En Es Fr Ar Zh
18 Дек 2006
CPM 2007/3 10.5.1 Financial Report 2006 En Es Fr Ar Zh
21 Дек 2006
CPM 2006/6 12.1.2 Adjustments in Translation in the Authentic Languages of the Convention En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Дек 2005
CPM 2006/INF/1 02 & 05 Election of the Chairperson - Election of Vice-Chairpersons and rapporteur En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Дек 2005
CPM 2006/3 06.1 Establishment of a Subsidary Body for Standard Setting under the CPM En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/7 11.3 Adoption of International Standards – Fast Track Process En Es Fr Ar Zh
01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/10 12.2.1 Report of the Seventh Meeting of the ICPM Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/INF/5 12.1.1 Preparations for Entry Into Force En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
00 Letter of invitation (NON-CONTRACTING PARTIES) En Es Fr Ar 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/INF/8 09 Summary Report of the Seventeenth Technical Consultation among RPPOs En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/16 12.6.2 Proposed Updates of the Strategic Plan in Relation to Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/20 15.1 Analysis of the Application of the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) Tool En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Янв 2006
CPM 2006/28 13.1 Information Exchange under the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Фев 2006
CPM 2006/1 Rev.1 01 Provisional agenda - detailed En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Фев 2006
00 Acceptance of credentials - information - part 1 En 24 Мар 2006
CPM 2006/INF/13 10.1 Report on the Activities of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee and Other Relevant WTO Activities in 2005 (English only) En 24 Мар 2006
CPM 2007/1 02 Provisional agenda En Es Fr Ar Zh 18 Дек 2006
CPM 2007/4 10.1.1 Amendment of Rules II and VII of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr Ar Zh 21 Дек 2006

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