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First outbreak of Erwinia amylovora in Rep. of Korea

Дата публикации
Пт, 29 Май 2015, 08:02
Последнее обновление
Июнь 3, 2015, 2:12 п.п.
Report Number
Republic of Korea
Статус оповещения
Chaenomeles sinensis Koene, Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.) Linl. Malus domestica Borkh, Malus pumila var. dulcissima Koidz, Pyrus Pyrifolia var. culta(Makino) Nakai, Pyrus serotina Rehder Amelanchier alnifora, A. canadensis, Chaenomeles spp. Cotomeaster spp., Crataegus spp., Pyracantha spp., Pyrus amygdaliformis, Sorbus spp., Stranvaesia davidiana
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Transient: actionable, under eradication
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: transient
Географическое распространение
Limited area in Anseong and Cheonan-cities, Rep. of Korea
Краткое описание

The infected pear trees were first found in very adjacent 3 orchards in Anseong -city in early May 2015.

By PCR, the sample was identified as Erwinia amylovora(Ea). Due to that Ea is first reported in Korea and a prohibited quarantine disease, the delimiting survey was immediately conducted within 5km radius from the outbroken point by experts of the Rural Development Administration, Rep. of KOREA, which covered total 238 ha and 297 pear orchards.

As a result of the delimiting survey, up to May 29th, 6 pear trees in Anseong -city(3 orchards) were confirmed to be infected by Ea and 330 pear trees from 14 orchards(13 orchards in Anseong-city and 1 orchard in Cheonan-city) are under test.

Among 17 orchards, 15 orchards are located adjacently within 600m radius and one orchard in Anseong city is located approximately 5km and the one orchard in Cheonan city is located approximately 1.5km from the concentrated outbroken area respectably (Fig.1)

All pear trees which were confirmed to be infected were destroyed by the Korean government immediately and all the host plants existing within 100m radius from the infected pear trees and the infected orchards will be destroyed.

Korean government established official control measures including conducting chemical spray in the buffer zone within 2km radius from infected area and and targeted survey in 5km radius from infected area. The movements of host plants and bee hives are prohibited.

The pathogen could be introduced by plants for planting and cause decrease of the yield of pear. It is known that introduction through commercial fruits is unlikely.
Свяжитесь для получения информации
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency in Rep. of Korea (e-mail : [email protected])
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