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2017 E-Commerce (Internet trade) of plants

Since 2010, the IPPC has considered e-commerce an emerging pathway in relation to pests associated with trade of plants and plant products. Many products traded via the internet escape phytosanitary scrutiny and measures thereby presenting a phytosanitary risk. During CPM-9, the IPPC adopted a recommendation on Internet Trade (e-Commerce) 014/14.
The objectives of the special topic session on e-commerce were to:

  • emphasize the CPM-9 recommendation on e-commerce and its implementation so far;
  • raise awareness on the phytosanitary risk associated with e-commerce;
  • make known experiences on e-commerce in relation to phytosanitary risk in order to:
    • develop mechanisms for collaborating with e-commerce traders to reduce phytosanitary risks;
    • promote compliance by customers and traders operating through e-commerce;
    • strengthen coordination with postal and express courier services;
    • highlight phytosanitary risks posed by the pathway; and
    • facilitate the implementation of the CPM-9 recommendation.

During this session, the latest initiatives on e-commerce by international organisations such as the World Trade Organization, the World Custom Organization and the Convention on Biological Diversity were presented. For the first time, key stakeholders from the private sector, namely Global Express Association (federating the main carriers such as DHL, Fedex and UPS) and eBay, one of the major e-traders, provided their views and received recommendations to take phytosanitary considerations into account in their activities.
The Plant Protection Organizations of Australia and the Republic of Korea shared their experiences of awareness raising and technologies to manage phytosanitary risks through e-commerce. All speakers convened in a panel to discuss concrete activities to further implement the IPPC recommendation on e-commerce. CPM 12 requested that the Bureau consider a way forward during its June 2017 meeting.

You can find the detailed programme, speakers and presentation files below.


Welcome address by the IPPC Secretary, Mr Jingyuan Xia ([email protected])

  1. The IPPC Secretariat recommendation on e-commerce, Sarah Brunel ([email protected]), IPPC Capacity Development Officer
  2. Activities and role of the World Trade Organization with regard to e-commerce and trade in plants, Marième Fall ([email protected]), Counsellor in the Agriculture and Commodities Division
  3. World Customs Organization (WCO): Towards an inclusive risk-based approach in the cross-border e-commerce environment, Michèle Medina ([email protected]), Technical Officer and Programme Manager
  4. Convention on Biological Diversity: Increasing risk of biological invasion posed by trade in wildlife via e-commerce and associated materials, Junko Shimura ([email protected]), Programme Officer (Invasive Alien Species, Global Taxonomy Initiative)
  5. Express Delivery Carriers' role in the cross-border transport of plants and seeds, Carlos Grau Tanner ([email protected]), Director General Global Express Association
  6. eBay’s Plants and Seeds Policy and Enforcement, Mike Carson ([email protected]), eBay Regulatory Policy Group
  7. Managing pre-border biosecurity risk (e-commerce) in Australia, Kim Ritman ([email protected]), Australia’s Chief Plant Protection Officer
  8. Phytosanitary measures for international postal and courier service in Republic of Korea, Ms Hong-Sook Park ([email protected]), Korean Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency
  9. Questions from the floor
  10. Panel and plenary discussion on the way forward to implement the IPPC recommendation on e-commerce
  11. Decisions and conclusions of the CPM on a way forward

The video of the session will be available here

Заголовок Файлы Publications date
E commerce special topic session CPM-12 En 27 Апр 2017
CPM 12 Special Topic Session e-Comm and plants WTO intervention En 27 Апр 2017
Towards an inclusive risk-based approach in the cross-border e-commerce environment En 27 Апр 2017
CBD ecommerce posting En 27 Апр 2017
GEA ppt for IPPC Korea 2017 En 27 Апр 2017
Managing pre-border biosecurity risks (e-commerce) En 27 Апр 2017
Phytosanitary measures for International Postal and Courier Service in En 27 Апр 2017

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