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SPG Invitation and calls for topics (with discussion papers)

Posted on Пт, 08 Авг 2014, 17:27

An invitation message has been circulated to national contact points for the coming meeting of the IPPC Strategy Planning Group (SPG), to take place on 7-10 October 2014.

See the attached message.

Please pay a special attention to the fact that the SPG meeting this time will have a little different arrangement in terms of the preparation of participants, based on the earlier decision by the Bureau. First, all the participants are requested to present papers in advance on key strategic points, for the visioning exercise “IPPC in 20 years” at the SPG meeting.

Second, the participants are also encouraged to suggest additional topics (with submission of discussion papers) for SPG discussions, from which the Bureau will select the topics to include into the SPG agenda. The call for new topics will be also sent to the Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs) shortly.

Key dates are as follows:

•1 September: Deadlines for travel assistance request [to be sent to [email protected]]

•5 September: Deadlines for participation registration [to be sent to [email protected]]

•15 September: Deadlines for submissions of new topics and discussion papers [to be sent to [email protected]] •7-10 October: SPG meeting (will start at 9:00 am on Tuesday, 7 October)

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