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Due 14 August: Call for nominations for expert working group on resource mobilisation

Posted on Чт, 22 Ноя 2012, 20:01

Nominations are being solicited by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) for appropriately qualified experts to take part in an expert working group on resource mobilization to develop a resource mobilization strategy for the IPPC.

The working group will be held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy from 27 September to 1 October 2010. It will be conducted in English and include 8-10 experts. These experts should have skills in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Resource mobilisation / fund raising in regional or international contexts.

  2. Strategic business and / or policy planning.

  3. IPPC, its activities and current financial situation

  4. Current members of the CPM Bureau.

The attached call letter provides further details, including the terms of reference and a draft agenda for the working group.

Nominations should be sent to the IPPC Secretariat by e-mail ([email protected]) no later than 14 August 2010 by following the instructions in the call letter for making a nomination.

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