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Viewing tagged as: Workshop

Regional workshops on draft ISPMs for Francophone Africa, the Caribbean and Central Asia: on hold pending the availability of funding

Posted on خميس, 29 مايو 2008, 08:10

The following Regional Workshops on draft ISPMs have been placed on hold due to the lack of funding (click on the link for more details): Francophone Africa Caribbean Central Asia

Should donors be interested in funding these workshops, please contact …

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2006 Regional Workshops on draft ISPMs

Posted on خميس, 27 إبريل 2006, 08:10

The IPPC Secretariat is in the process of organizing 7 regional workshops to discuss the draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) which will be sent for country consultation in June 2006. There will be a period of 100 days …

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Plant Health Risk Analysis Workshop

Posted on جمعة, 05 أغسطس 2005, 08:10

The preliminary agenda for the upcoming International Plant Health Risk Analysis workshop, to take place 24-28 October 2005 in Niagara Falls, Canada, is now available.

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