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Working together to protect plants and the environment in Africa: A 2018 IPPC Regional Workshop

Posted on خميس, 27 سبتمبر 2018, 07:33

Forty-five participants from 29 countries exchanged their experiences in protecting plants from pests and diseases during the IPPC regional workshop for Africa. © FAO

13 September 2018, Antananarivo - Keeping plants healthy, stopping invasive pests such as the Fall Armyworm …

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The IPPC Secretariat meets with SSAFE to discuss possible future cooperation

Posted on أربعاء, 26 سبتمبر 2018, 15:08

Photo credit: © FAO/ Laura Vicaria-Lopez

26 September 2018, Rome - Members of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat, including Craig Fedchock, Shoki al-Dobai and Laura Vicaria-Lopez, met with the governing board of the SSAFE organization on 26 September …

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Protecting plants in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 2018 IPPC - FAO Regional Workshop

Posted on أربعاء, 26 سبتمبر 2018, 11:05

Participants at the IPPC Regional workshop in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia shared their experiences in safeguarding plant health. Photo credit: © All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center (VNIIKR)

8 September 2018, Bykovo - Protecting the environment while safeguarding plant …

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ePhyto Regional Workshop- Buenos Aires Argentina

Posted on جمعة, 21 سبتمبر 2018, 13:13

Last week, from the 11-13th of September the ePhyto regional workshop for Latin America took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The workshop, hosted by SENASA and financed by COSAVE, Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IICA and the Canadian government was …

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Big steps made in developing phytosanitary capacity in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Posted on خميس, 20 سبتمبر 2018, 08:17

A new plant health diagnostic laboratory was set up in Jenin as part of efforts to strengthen phytosanitary capacity. ©FAO/S.Brunel

Ramallah, 16 August 2018 - Plant pests and diseases easily cross borders and it is therefore crucial to develop phytosanitary …

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Protecting plants from pest in the Pacific Islands: A 2018 IPPC Regional Workshop

Posted on خميس, 13 سبتمبر 2018, 10:44

Rarotonga, Cook Islands - Ngatoko Ngatoko, Director of Biosecurity, Ministry of Agriculture, watches a cargo ship leave port. The IPPC helps protects plants from pests while facilitating trade. ©FAO/Sue Price

22 August 2018, Fiji - Countries in the Pacific Islands …

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Boosting plant health and protecting plants from pests - the 2018 IPPC Regional Workshop for Latin America

Posted on أربعاء, 12 سبتمبر 2018, 15:01

31 August 2018, Natal, Brazil - With the ever-increasing volume of international trade, countries need to prevent plant pests from entering and establishing themselves locally, while still facilitating the international safe trade of plants and products. To address this challenge, …

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Five new IPPC Diagnostic Protocols adopted!

Posted on خميس, 16 أغسطس 2018, 18:11

The IPPC Secretariat is happy to announce that five new diagnostic protocols (DPs) have been adopted by the Standards Committee (SC) on behalf of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) as the DP Notification Period just closed on 15 August …

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Dwindling IPPC Sustainable Funding Affects its Support of Developing Countries to Participation in Some Governing Activities

Posted on ثلاثاء, 31 يوليو 2018, 13:16

For many years, the IPPC Secretariat has tried to assist the participation of developing Contracting Parties to the annual meeting of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) and also some other important governing bodies meetings, such as the meetings of …

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G-20 Group of Agriculture Ministers Supports the IPPC ePhyto and the Initiative of an International Year of Plant Health in 2020 IYPH 2020)

Posted on ثلاثاء, 31 يوليو 2018, 09:40

The G-20 Group of Agriculture Ministers at their meeting on 27-28 July 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina have endorsed the IPPC s efforts to build an electronic certification system (ePhyto) and the initiative of an International Year of Plant Health …

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Prompting action towards an International Year of Plant Health in 2020

Posted on جمعة, 27 يوليو 2018, 11:54

Plants account for over 80% of the human diet and are indispensable for food security. Healthy plants are also vital to sustainable and profitable crop production and to the quality supply of food, fuel, and fiber. Plant pests and diseases …

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Strengthening the Bilateral Cooperation of the IPPC with the United States of America

Posted on جمعة, 27 يوليو 2018, 10:52

On 26 July 2018 an IPPC delegation composed of Dr. Jingyuan Xia (IPPC Secretary), Mr. Craig Fedchock (IPPC Adviser) and Dr. Shoki AlDobai (IPPC Integration and Support Team Lead) met at FAO-HQs with representatives from the US Mission to Rome-based …

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IPPC Secretariat contributes to the discussion on a Harmonized Global Approach for Managing Forest Invasive Species 19-20 July 2018 FAO ROME ITALY

Posted on أربعاء, 25 يوليو 2018, 13:59

In the margins of the 24th session of FAO s Committee on Forestry (COFO), representatives from the IPPC Secretariat, the FAO Forestry Department and five Regional Forest Invasive Species Networks met to explore better ways to exchange information and increase …

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The IPPC ePhyto Industry Advisory Group IAG) meet in Rome Italy

Posted on إثنين, 23 يوليو 2018, 14:38

The IPPC ePhyto Industry Advisory Group (IAG) meeting was held on the 19th July 2018, in Rome, Italy. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Gerard Meijerink, International Seed Federation. The meeting was opened by Mr. Jingyuan Xia, IPPC Secretary, who …

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