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Expert Working Group on drafting the annex on Field Inspection to ISPM 23

Posted on أربعاء, 04 أكتوبر 2023, 14:59

The IPPC Secretariat, through the Standards Setting Unit, is coordinating a meeting of the newly formed Expert Working Group (EWG) on drafting the annex on Field Inspection to ISPM 23 (Guidelines for inspection). The EWG will meet from 16-20 October …

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Closed: 2023 IPPC Call for Topics

Posted on أربعاء, 04 أكتوبر 2023, 14:57

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to announce that the 2023 IPPC Call for Topics (5 May - 15 September 2023) resulted in 28 submissions: 14 topics for International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), 11 Diagnostic Protocols …

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Discussion papers for the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) 2023 posted!

Posted on ثلاثاء, 26 سبتمبر 2023, 08:40

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that the discussion papers for the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) meeting that will take place in FAO headquarters from 10 – 13 October 2023 are …

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New deadline: Consultation on Report on the assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant pests

Posted on ثلاثاء, 19 سبتمبر 2023, 09:56

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat has set 9 October 2023 as the new deadline for national and regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs, RPPOs) to review and submit their comments on the "Draft report on the assessment and management …

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Coming up: Train-the-trainer workshop for Africa Phytosanitary Programme

Posted on أربعاء, 13 سبتمبر 2023, 18:52

The IPPC Secretariat and the African Union Commission for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the U.S Department of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and …

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Still open for consultation: Report on the assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant pests

Posted on أربعاء, 13 سبتمبر 2023, 17:15

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat invites national and regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs, RPPOs) to review and submit their comments on the "Draft report on the assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant pests," developed by …

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Registration open for upcoming IPPC webinar on new IPPC guides and e-learning courses

Posted on أربعاء, 13 سبتمبر 2023, 17:14

The IPPC Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that registration for the webinar on New IPPC guides and e-learning courses – key implementation and capacity development resources for the phytosanitary community, is now open. The webinar …

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IPPC ePhyto Solution to be presented at Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Electronic Phytosanitary Certificates

Posted on أربعاء, 13 سبتمبر 2023, 17:13

The IPPC Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that it will take part in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Conference on Electronic Phytosanitary Certificates (ePhytos) and will present the IPPC ePhyto Solution.

The conference, hosted …

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Now available: Report of the May 2023 Standards Committee Meeting

Posted on أربعاء, 13 سبتمبر 2023, 17:12

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that the report of the Standards Committee (SC) meeting held in May 2023 is now available.

The report covers discussions and decisions of the SC, …

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Now available: CPM Bureau report

Posted on أربعاء, 23 أغسطس 2023, 17:29

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that the report of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Bureau meeting held from 13-16 June 2023, is now available.

The report contains several issues …

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Open for consultation: Report on the assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant pests

Posted on أربعاء, 23 أغسطس 2023, 17:26

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat invites national and regional plant protection organizations (NPPOs, RPPOs) to review and submit their comments on the "Draft report on the assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant pests", developed by …

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IPPC Diagnostic Protocols author publishes book on plant health challenges and prospects in the next decade

Posted on أربعاء, 23 أغسطس 2023, 17:24

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that María Milagros López González, plant health expert and author of five IPPC Diagnostic Protocols, has co-authored a book titled: “La sanidad vegetal en la …

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IPPC 2023 regional workshops start today

Posted on أربعاء, 16 أغسطس 2023, 12:57

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that the 2023 IPPC regional workshops started today, with the first workshop in Antigua and Barbuda, for the Carribean region.

The secretariat is conducting the …

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استراتيجية اتصالات الاتفاقية الدولية لوقاية النباتات ، 2023-2030 متاحة الآن

Posted on أربعاء, 09 أغسطس 2023, 17:50

يسر أمانة الاتفاقية الدولية لوقاية النباتات (IPPC) أن تعلن أن استراتيجية الاتصال الخاصة بالاتفاقية الدولية لوقاية النباتات 2023-2030 قد تم نشرها وهي متاحة الآن باللغة الإنجليزية. توفر الاستراتيجية خارطة طريق لمجتمع الاتفاقية الدولية لوقاية النباتات للإعلام والمشاركة والدعوة بشكل فعال …

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